Bidyarnab Das

Bidyarnab Das Poems

When we are in class, we are students, When they are in the class, they are teachers,
When we write over their writing, it is overwriting, when they write over our writing, it is correction.

When we gather to discuss, it is gossip, When they gather to discuss, it is meeting.

As I wake up in the morning I saw the sunshine in the window As I go into the garden, I saw the flowers as they grow.

The trees in the mountain Gives us fresh air to inhale, It gives us water every day, And fulfilling life in every way.

There are eyes upon you, Watching you everyday. And their ears quickly take your words.

They praise when you do good, Displease when you misbehave.

Trees and plants are our life, we have to tell this to everyone.
We have to stop the cutting of trees.
This message has to reach every person in the world
Trees and plants have to be saved. Trees and plants have to be saved.


We living on this earth,
Tell me, what are you doing?
Everyone is ruining everything here,
And live in pride.

With the feeling of joy, every Mother starts her day,
Takes care of every family member, With the feeling of joy

When the child cries When other tries, to stop, but the child doesn't stops, finally the mother came, and child stops

Mother is the earth, mother is the sky, mother is the God, if there is a mother then everything is there, the bundle of work is never carried on the shoulders and she says uff.

Mother is the only solution to children's worries.


Mother is the medicine for all our problems, Sometimes she scolds us and sometimes she embraces us Mother absorbs the tears from our eyes

Mother showers the laughter of her lips on us By joining our happiness, Mother makes us forget our sorrows, Whenever we stumble, we immediately remember Mother


India --

The greatest word of my respect, wherever used, all other words become meaningless.

India is a great country, unite us in its prosperity, great country...

Ganga Yamuna flows continuously, Krishna Kaveri's tomorrow is as big as the Himalayan sentinel, Kanchanchunga's head is studded with forest, Kanan, desert stone, Sindhu, all are beautiful creations of nature, great country...

Burnt ashes were lit one by one, sparking them, those who climbed the holy altar without taking a pen, say Jai to them today.

Those innumerable small lamps which were extinguished by burning water on one side of our storms, did not ask for love or pen with open mouth, say Jai to them today.


Father fulfills every duty, repays the debt throughout his life for the one happiness of the child, forgets his own happiness, then why for such a father, children are not able to do anything, why such a true father, the father hesitates even in calling him father. Blessings make a child's life happy, but children forget, what kind of storm has come from whom they have achieved everything, who has taught them everything. I have a lot of respect for such a father, who has been with me every moment, full of loving father's love. Those who hug their chest, I tell them the truth, believe me, they always find happiness in life.

This green earth of ours captivates every heart with its beauty.

Trees, plants, rivers and waterfalls, they all captivate the mind...


It seems that this state has got the full blessings of nature, wherever you look there is greenery in this state.

Wherever there is talk of 'Tea', the name of this state will be there. Assam is rich in wild animals and natural resources.

The day passes quickly!

They are

Even if the trees are standing, dense or big, don't even ask for shade. Don't demand! Don't demand! the path of fire! the path of fire! the path of fire!
You will never get tired, you will never stop, you will never turn, I swear! Take an oath! Take an oath! the path of fire! the path of fire! the path of fire!
This is a great scene, a man walking, his path drenched in tears, sweat and blood. soaked up! soaked up! the path of fire! the path of fire!

Success (is simple)
Fight everyday, win everyday, courage is the only support. Struggle and move forward, this life is only yours.
Learn to fight, learn to confront, learn to avoid obstacles.
Let others say it, leave it where it is not appreciated. Leave others, leave your own, stop getting anything from your own.

Priests of non-violence, riding on the truth, answering every insult with a smile, Saints of Sabarmati salute you, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Pathans, soldiers walked on your path smiling, Saints of Sabarmati salute you.
Mahatma Gandhi
Waive the tricolor through the path of non-violence, Bapu gave us freedom without sword and without stick, gave away love and got love from this world, the saints of Sabarmati give you millions of proofs,
Had spread light in the world with peace, non-violence and compassion, had made this world fragrant with his good deeds by becoming the saint of Sabarmati, responded to violence with the edge of non-violence, taught the British a lesson, freedom with the sword of truth, love-loving, truth, non-violence and principles.

Life, believe me, is not a dream, it is not as dark as the sojourners say; Light rain in the morning often predicts a pleasant day. Sometimes clouds of gloom appear, but these are short-lived; If roses blossom when it rains, then why worry about them falling?
The bright hours of life pass quickly, happily, with gratitude, with excitement, enjoy all that is flying by!
What will happen when death suddenly appears and snatches away those dearest to us? What will happen when we see the victory of sorrow? Hope is slipping out of our hands, only then it plays the game and then comes back, unconquered, the one who has been defeated first. was given;
It is still ready to fly, open its golden wings, it still has the strength to take us along. With effort, being fearless, let the day of examination come with pride, like a winner,


The books are my favorite,
It is different from everything else.
In this I am new and old,
I read all the stories.

The Best Poem Of Bidyarnab Das

Students And Teachers

When we are in class, we are students, When they are in the class, they are teachers,
When we write over their writing, it is overwriting, when they write over our writing, it is correction.

When we gather to discuss, it is gossip, When they gather to discuss, it is meeting.

When we are found in the library, it is bunking, when they are found in the library, it is research work we are found outside the classroom, we are being pumshed. hey are found outside the Principal's office, they are waiting.

When we do wrong, we are idiots, When they do wrong, they are human beings.

When we copy from others, we are cheaters,

When they copy from others, they are quoting.

When we do not do our work, we are lazy,

When they do not do their work, they are busy.

When we think in the class, we are day dreamers,

When they think in the class, they are philosophers.

When we tell jokes in the class, we are buffoons, When they tell jokes in the class, they are humourous.

Bidyarnab Das Comments

Bidyarnab Das 29 May 2024

Thank you 🙏🏻

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Gayatri Phukan 27 April 2024

Very nice poem Bidyarnab..I am from Moran Assam

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Bidyarnab Das Quotes

'Help your older, If you are young, Help the poor, If you are rich, When you are angry, Hold you tongue'

''Accept and respect we all are different''

'Do not observe what others are doing, observe what you are doing'

'Respect others, then others will respect you'

'Time is valuable, as it doesn't returns'

'In this earth, most valuable things are your mother and father'

'Respect your parents, then others will respect you'

'Behaviour is important then knowledge, as sometimes knowledge fails and behaviour can handle the situation'

'If you are in good way, nobody can stop you'

'Do not get demotivate, be confident and motivate yourself'

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