Bidyarnab Das Poems

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Students And Teachers

When we are in class, we are students, When they are in the class, they are teachers,
When we write over their writing, it is overwriting, when they write over our writing, it is correction.

When we gather to discuss, it is gossip, When they gather to discuss, it is meeting.


As I wake up in the morning I saw the sunshine in the window As I go into the garden, I saw the flowers as they grow.

The trees in the mountain Gives us fresh air to inhale, It gives us water every day, And fulfilling life in every way.

Good Deeds Never Die

There are eyes upon you, Watching you everyday. And their ears quickly take your words.

They praise when you do good, Displease when you misbehave.

Trees Are Our Life

Trees and plants are our life, we have to tell this to everyone.
We have to stop the cutting of trees.
This message has to reach every person in the world
Trees and plants have to be saved. Trees and plants have to be saved.


We living on this earth,
Tell me, what are you doing?
Everyone is ruining everything here,
And live in pride.

Mother A Gift From God

With the feeling of joy, every Mother starts her day,
Takes care of every family member, With the feeling of joy

When the child cries When other tries, to stop, but the child doesn't stops, finally the mother came, and child stops

My Mother

Mother is the earth, mother is the sky, mother is the God, if there is a mother then everything is there, the bundle of work is never carried on the shoulders and she says uff.

Mother is the only solution to children's worries.


Mother is the medicine for all our problems, Sometimes she scolds us and sometimes she embraces us Mother absorbs the tears from our eyes

Mother showers the laughter of her lips on us By joining our happiness, Mother makes us forget our sorrows, Whenever we stumble, we immediately remember Mother


India --

The greatest word of my respect, wherever used, all other words become meaningless.

India A Great Country

India is a great country, unite us in its prosperity, great country...

Ganga Yamuna flows continuously, Krishna Kaveri's tomorrow is as big as the Himalayan sentinel, Kanchanchunga's head is studded with forest, Kanan, desert stone, Sindhu, all are beautiful creations of nature, great country...

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