Field Of Innocence Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes

Field Of Innocence

Rating: 5.0

Innocence, pure and true
A precious gift, bestowed on few
Untainted by the world's harsh ways
Living in a blissful haze
In the moment of simplicity
Beneath a sky of endless possibility
With nothing to fear or regret
Just living, without a single fret
In the fields of innocence
Where life is a precious essence
The sun shines on the glistening grass
As time seems to slowly pass
A place untouched by worry
Where laughter is never blurry
And every smile is genuine
In this world of purity, we can spin
The birds sing their joyful songs
As we dance along
With no worries or cares
Just enjoying the moment, without any dares
In this field of innocence
We find our inner sense
Of peace and tranquility
In this moment, we are free
Oh, how we long to stay
In this world, where innocence holds sway
But eventually, we must leave this place
And face the world, with a different face
But let us hold onto this feeling
Of simplicity and healing
For in the field of innocence
Lies the true meaning of existence.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Field Of Innocence

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