I Am My Dad's Favorite Poem by Susheela Alexiose

I Am My Dad's Favorite

Rating: 5.0

Why I loved you in the first place
When I knew for certain who you are
Why I trusted you foremost
When I knew whom you belong to

Silly me, I believed every word spoken to me
Which tasted like honeycomb
As it healed my wounds
And refreshed my broken spirit

Dad as always, can't bear his daughter
Being cheated, fooled and teased
As I am always his favourite
No matter how much I back slide

He reveals hidden secrets
He strips hearts naked
Shows me the real truth
And opens my blind eyes

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god,life
Anjana Nair 17 December 2018

One can read that poem only with a heavy heart, .. great writing. ! ! !

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Dev Anand 17 December 2018

He reveals hidden secrets He strips hearts naked Shows me the real truth.From your Dad you come to God.......... i liked this comparison. yes God is our real Dad and the Dad here in this world is also our dear Dad. how fortunate we are to have two dads..

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Dr Antony Theodore 16 December 2018

Which tasted like honeycomb As it healed my wounds And refreshed my broken spirit.seeing God as your real dad and in your loving dad seeing the caring face of God. lovely poem dear poetess. tony

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Bernard F. Asuncion 15 December 2018

Dear Susheela, a magnificent write....10++++

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Jaya J 15 December 2018

Dad revealing hidden secrets There is a mystery to this poem.

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