Songs Of The Singing Bird! Poem by Ramesh T A

Songs Of The Singing Bird!

Rating: 4.1

The unknown singing bird sang
Several songs for some years;
The songs of the singing bird
Soon created news and history!
All the life songs of the bird about
Nature and culture are literature now!

Knowledge and experience give wisdom
That gives a system of life to live;
This is called human culture.
For all, the beginning and the end
Are in Nature only and so it is
The friend, philosopher and guide
Not only to poets, scientists and artists
But also to the whole of mankind.

From first melody to last funeral song
All songs say only about human love!
In reality the more we love the dear one
The more the dear one goes far away!
The tragedy of loved one lives in mind
Ever plunging everyone in endless tears!

Love is the source of all creations in evolution
From blue green algae to man in the world!
Without love nothing can be created and
Great things worthwhile are achieved by men!
One such great thing is poetry of great poets
Absorbing heart, mind and soul of man ever!

What is poetry? Poetry is the magical expression,
Words of poet's heart echoing in the minds of men!
Building castle in the air and capturing in camera
Poetry does to produce the album of poetry book!
Collecting honey from flowers to build beehive
Poet bee weaves ideas together to compose poetry!

Arranging beautiful ideas focused on a subject
A great work of art poet creates in poetry with
Sound, sense, substance and seriousness in words!
Beautiful, sweet and light music of poetry absorbs
Heart, mind and soul to entertain and instruct with
Inspiring ideas to live a happy and prosperous life
With confidence, courage and endurance in the world!

Expressing experience of life in meaningful verse
Poet finds favour with everyone everywhere here!
Compressing many ideas in a nutshell, poet makes it
Possible to reveal Universal truths from trivialities;
Such a magical art in any other form of literature
It is not worth trying other than in poetry alone!

The all absorbing power of poetry is an invaluable art
That has royal reception everywhere in world literature.
Sweet songs of Nightingale, beautiful dance of peacock
And so on will be immortal and unforgettable in poetry!
So, the songs of the singing bird, whom we call a poet,
Will echo eternally in the hearts of men and world of art!


A sweet song that is such a pleasant and powerful perspective. Well done my friend!

5 0 Reply
Ramesh T A 28 July 2016

Thank you for your esteemed comment on my prize winning poem, my friend!

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Ramesh T A 29 September 2016

Dear Ramesh, I just read your prize winning poem 'Songs...' It is such a powerful perspective. Keep up the great works, Howard

4 0 Reply
Alex Alexander 16 May 2024

Bravo! Well done. And well said. A poet is a song bird. Thanks for so elegantly expounding with such wisdom and grace.

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Gokulnath K S 16 February 2023

Nice Poem. It gives immense pleasure while reading...

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Poet Mr Ramesh T A has been selected Poet of The Day by PoemHunter on the 10th June 2022. Congratulations.

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Ramesh T A 09 July 2022

Thank you so much, dear friend!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 25 December 2021

It gives me immense pleasure to read this magnificent piece of poetry multiple times... great ink

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Ramesh T A 26 December 2021

Thank you so much for expressing great pleasure in reading my prize winning poem

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Mike Ssendikwanawa 03 November 2021

Thanks for this Poem Ramesh T A, it gives Clarity Of The Basis Of Great Achievements In Life And That's LOVE For What You Do!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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