To A Young Poet Poem by Khairul Ahsan

To A Young Poet

Rating: 4.7

Words of love, softly spoken though,
I can hear you, as your words flow.
Nice and innocent, your wishes and dream,
Flow from your heart, like a natural stream.

Poetry flows quietly in our hearts
Not often do they find a way out in words.
Playing delicately with your internal thoughts
You've produced a poem that's not just connect-the-dots.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
These are the instant thoughts that occurred to my mind, after I had read a nice poem written by a young teen aged poet.
Marsha Cleveland 04 July 2013

Short to the point and sensitive touch. Loved it.

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Khairul Ahsan 02 May 2017

Loved your comment, Marsha. Thanks.

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Otteri Selvakumar 02 July 2013

very nice writing....

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Edward Kofi Louis 28 August 2020

The flow! ! ! ! Love and art. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Susan Williams 27 July 2020

Khairul, thank you for your very encouraging words on my poem. It is good that we see eye to eye on the treatment of young writers! Maybe the " trolls" will see such comments on people's poems and get sickened by this atmosphere of caring that they will flee this site!

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Susan Williams 27 July 2020

What an affirming comment to make on a young poet's poem. It tells her what caught your eye and why you enjoyed it- that gives her such encouraging feedback. You, Khairul, are a gentleman as well as a poet because this poem is so tender and flowing and lovely that it stands on its own as well as an example of the joys of writing! 10+++++++++++

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M Asim Nehal 08 September 2018

Superb! ! ! ! In four lines you wrote a epic of wishes...Liked it 10+++

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Khairul Ahsan 14 January 2019

Thank you so much, Mr. Nehal. I've been much inspired by your thoughtful comment and generous rating of the poem.

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Bodrul Alam 17 June 2014

The way you've reciprocated to your experience of reading a nice poem written by a young teen aged poet, shows your delicacy and amity in expression. It's truely inspiring not only to the said young poet, but to all aspriring and would be poetry-maestros too. In vernacular Bangla, your distinctive and stylish elegance in delivering fascinating literary pieces is already known to me. Am so glad to get an opprtunity to see more of your creative thoughts right here in Poemhunter. I've already added you as my favourite poet. Looking forward to go through most of your poems in days to come.

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Khairul Ahsan 10 May 2017

Hi, @Bodrul Alam! Nice to see you here. Your kind words are very much inspiring and uplifting. Thank you very much for being so generous in appreciating my humble effort. God Bless you!

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