Air Hostess: Flying The Skies Poem by Paula Glynn

Air Hostess: Flying The Skies

The air hostess doing a complex job
Starting early, the long-haul flight needing preparation
Changes to the schedule checked and double checked
Paperwork sorted out, so cabin crew know their route
And do so much more than serve drinks and food,

The air hostess giving safety instructions to passengers
The cabin crew - however - confident with their job
Of travelling through the skies
For hours on end, from day until night
Even turbulence not causing a fright,

Flying a safe way to travel: as everyone knows
For flying through the skies is just how it goes
And even when fear shows, fear is unnecessary
The airplane a force of science and the pilot skilled
For flying is completely safe and no one is killed,

The airplane going from America to Australia
From Heathrow to China, from Luton to California
The airplane takes passengers quickly from place-to-place
Where there are people with an exotic face
But home no foreign country can replace,

The air hostess lonely for her partner:
Travelling the skies does mean time away from love
But her partner knows even though she's flying above
The air hostess will soon be coming home
And they will no longer have heartache or be alone.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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