Ballad - Allama Bi. Poem by Abdulrazak Aralimatti

Ballad - Allama Bi.

Rating: 4.3

Once in my early childhood,
My father to show his brood,
Took me to his mother's house,
Laden with oxen and cows.
Seeing the love of grandmother,
I refused to go back with father.
My father's sister visited with her son,
And a dear friend I really won.
By her love, he too quit his parents,
And both stayed with grandparents.
We stayed for one and a half year,
Without hesitation and fear.

She woke up early in the morning,
And gave us a mild warning.
Performed prayers and fed the cows,
And then woke us to sweep the house.
She gave us bath, dressed and fed,
Told stories and lullaby at bed.
Truly a grandmother loves grandchildren,
And at any cost, they are not a burden.
If we were not fed in time,
To her, it was a great crime.
She asked us several times in worry,
If we ate or felt hungry.
She took us to her friend's place,
And said words in our praise.

Experiencing her love and affection,
We both forgot our parent's attention.
My grandfather had bought a farm,
To make his wealth healthy and warm.
We both went to school at village,
And were in classes of our age.
At weekends we visited the farm,
With lunch boxes in our arm.
We would spend the whole day,
And in evening, walk the return way.

In our farm, was a well, big and deep,
For the crops to irrigate and reap.
Once on an ill fated day,
To the farm, we took the way.
I started playing alone near the well,
To my cousin, the well seemed a hell.
My granny gave a warning bell,
Not to approach and play near the well.
She told me with a shout,
If I fell, wouldn't pull me out.
She then disappeared into the crops,
And I approached the well with hops.

I slipped and fell into the well,
Where water striders and frogs did dwell.
I shook my hands and legs as fast I could,
Such a struggle I hadn't done in my childhood.
To call my granny, my cousin hurried,
And granny came totally worried.
Granny sent cousin to call farm servant,
To run fast and be urgent.
My struggle slowed down,
And I began to drown.
Grandmother stretched and bent and bent,
That was what I saw till I went.
I sank downwards to unconciousness,
And experienced death in nearness.
When eyes were open with cleared vision,
I saw myself with servant and cousin.
But grandmother....................! !
Where..............................? ?
Granny had showered her final love,
Shaking the throne of God above.
Till today in India, Karnataka, town Almel,
The well is called Allama bi well.

See my biography

What a sad story, my friend! And what a grandma you had, who sacrificed her life to save her grandson! My prayers to Allah to keep her with Him well in eternal peace. And thanks for sharing this poignant tale. It sure does a catharsis on the reader's psyche. (10)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 19 July 2015

So nicely depicted the poemBallad - Allama Bi in medium of a lovely story. Finally it is known why the title of the poem is such....And experienced death in nearness. When eyes were open with cleared vision, I saw myself with servant and cousin. But grandmother....................! ! Where..............................? ? Granny had showered her final love, Shaking the throne of God above. Till today in India, Karnataka, town Almel, The well is called Allama bi well. ..Many thanks for posting such lovely poem. .....10

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Ayman Parray 20 July 2015

Thank you sir, for pouring your heart and your soul into this poem, which is not just a poem but your life story. It must have taken a tremendous amount of courage to write this ballad. I thank you from the depths of my heart for this real life lesson. And I am able to relate to this poem as I do too have a maternal grandmother who I am not able to visit as much as I like to. But as you have described in the beginning passages of your poem some grandmothers like yours and mine are more loving and caring than our parents. My paternal grandmother passed away before I was born. But my father taught my to visit her resting place and pray so I feel a bond with her too. May the Almighty grant the highest paradise to your grandmother and other loved ones who have passed away. You have my love and respect, dear sir. May God bless you.

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Akhtar Jawad 25 July 2015

What a beautiful gratitude to grandmother, an amazing poem............................10

3 0 Reply

A great pictersque of rural landascape, unmatched love of grand parents....and at end it reminds of the truth: Love trancends all boundaries of individuality.... A vivid story of selfless sacrifice...and whts more, Love: we live for that greater reason... great write....

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Akhtar Jawad 01 July 2016

A nice poem. Gathered valuable knowledge about Allama bi well.

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Edward Kofi Louis 29 March 2016

Words in our praise! Wise words from the old. Thanks for sharing.

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Dutendra Chamling 23 November 2015

A wonderful ballad......!

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Amitava Sur 27 September 2015

A lovely Ballad worth it with it's moral behind to be disciplined. The love and affection shown by granny also is an example to be learned and followed.Thanks for sharing.

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Bhargabi Dei Mahakul 25 September 2015

Very nice and wise expression of childhood and family memory. Parents love definitely but grandmother's affection remains as a milestone in memory. Granny had showered her final love, Shaking the throne of God above. So amazing to express emotion. One day we have to unite and one day we have to separate. This is the truth of life. Life and death both are shadows of life. And journey of life in family speaks about many incidences. Very interesting sharing....10

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