Blues From Failing Projects Poem by Kiran Pillai

Blues From Failing Projects

A particular dark wisdom arises within
There will always be challenges in our projects.
There can always be problems that will come up.
That is just the way nature works through us.

We have seen thousands of projects arise.
A great majority of them fail. Again truth.
People leave. They get sick. They demotivate.
Money runs out. Are we ready for such events?

I have been part of several projects in life.
Many of them failed. Earlier I cried over losses.
Now the wisdom meter ticks with each loss.
Life happens in that way only. Projects do fail.

We can always plan for problems in projects.
A wise one welcomes challenges and prepares
Our best people may leave. Our things run out
One bug may stop our whole show itself.

Our client man leaves. Our money runs out.
Our government may change. Policies change.
Recession may hit us. A great change in methods.
There may be no more requirement for us after all.

Death could happen as well. Someone could
Get sick. So many things happen in our projects.
Just the way things are. Something happens.
Are we ready to accommodate these in life?

I have been in failed projects. I am in one now.
I am ready to leave this failing project today.
Just the way life is for us. Things do fail.
A wisdom dawns on us with each failure. Be ready!

Be ready when the roof hits the ground.
Understand why something fails. It happens.
Gather wisdom and move on. Be strong.
Projects often fail. Else, we must be wise!

Friday, June 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: failure
Error Success