Daydream Poem by Doctor Dashaun Snipes


Rating: 5.0

In the realm where dreams take flight,
Bathed in golden, soft twilight,
Lies a world beyond our sight,
Where daydreams dance with pure delight.

In whispers of the morning breeze,
A symphony of rustling leaves,
Nature's song that softly weaves,
Through the air that gently cleaves.

In the meadow, flowers bloom,
Casting off their sweet perfume,
Underneath the sun's warm gloom,
A canvas of colors in full bloom.

Majestic mountains touch the sky,
Clouds like cotton floating by,
In this world where dreams defy,
Reality's harsh, demanding cry.

A river meanders through the land,
Guided by an unseen hand,
Reflecting skies so vast and grand,
A mirror of the dreamland.

In the distance, a castle tall,
Guarded by a towering wall,
Mysteries within its ancient hall,
Where echoes of the past still call.

Whispers of forgotten lore,
Echo through the corridor,
Tales of knights and battles sore,
In the castle's ancient core.

In the heart of this daydream land,
Time moves slow, like grains of sand,
A place where one can truly stand,
In the palm of dreams so grand.

But even in this world so vast,
Shadows from the past are cast,
Reminders that all things must pass,
Even dreams that seem to last.

Yet in the midst of fading light,
Hope still shines so pure and bright,
Guiding through the darkest night,
A beacon in the endless flight.

For in the world of daydreams true,
Imagination paints anew,
A world where skies are always blue,
And every dream can still come true.

So let us wander, you and I,
Beneath this vast and endless sky,
In the world where dreams can fly,
And reality can say goodbye.

In the realm where dreams take flight,
Bathed in golden, soft twilight,
Lies a world beyond our sight,
Where daydreams dance with pure delight.

Authorship by Mr Dashaun Rashod Snipes
©Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
® Daydream

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