Full Man Poem by Sayeed Abubakar

Full Man

Rating: 5.0

You love your children-
A good mother;
You love your husband-
A good wife;
You love your family-
A good homemaker;
You love your country-
A good patriot;
But still not a full man.

If you loved your children
And the whole world,
Your husband
And the whole world,
Your family
And the whole world,
Your country
And the whole world,
Only then
You would be a full man.

You love your children-
A good father;
You love your wife-
A good husband;
You love your family-
A good guardian;
You love your country-
A good patriot;
But still not a full man.
If you loved your children
And the whole world,
Your wife
And the whole world,
Your family
And the whole world,
Your country
And the whole world,
Only then
You would be a full man.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity,man,perfection
Original English poem
Daniel Brick 07 July 2016

A brilliant poem of moral purpose! The repetitons within the poem highlight what you value and want to impress on our consciences. And the key repetition of THE WHOLE WORLD grows more eloquent each time it is sounded. This is a poem that is enhanced by a readingf outloud. But even read silently by an individual, it conveys a necessary lesson for our modern time, our WHOLE WORLD.

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Sayeed Abubakar 26 August 2017

So nice a comment. I am highly inspired, dear poet.

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Bharati Nayak 08 January 2016

We can not be called human unless we uphold human values.Love, compassion., kindness, sympathy are some of the attributes that describe a true human being.Our love and kindness should not be limited to our family members only.We should think the whole world as our home and care for the well being of.the human civilization. Thank you dear poet for your inspiring poem on universal brotherhood.

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Sayeed Abubakar 08 January 2016

Thanks, dear Didi. Yes, you are right. There is nothing beyond man.

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Edward Kofi Louis 30 December 2015

Life with the unity of peace and love; following after the works of the truth. Nice work.

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Sayeed Abubakar 30 December 2015

Nice comment. Thanks a lot, dear poet.

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Sofia Kioroglou 30 December 2015

Very meaningful! Food for thought! Happy New Year from Greece.

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Sayeed Abubakar 30 December 2015

Happy New Year, dear Sofia. Many many thanks for your kind comment.

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Sayeed Abubakar

Sayeed Abubakar

Jessore / Bangladesh
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