Happy Youth Day Poem by Preston Mwiinga

Happy Youth Day

Let me tell you something about a good Youth, a good youth is that person that stands to leave a mark like the parable of a pencil.
A good youth does not leave scars that only remind of pain and anger but marks to symbolize the purpose for good existence.
To that good youth, to that youth living for a reason and with a purpose in life, I say happy youth day.
Happy youth day to that youth who never worsts his or her life smoking like he or she is a heavy industry polluting the air with polluted smoke.
I am wishing a pleasant youth day to that youth, who has a busy mind not thinking of evil, to that youth who believe that an Idol mind is the devils workshop.
I am with the youth who has time to plan for his and her tomorrow, I stand with the Youth who believes that too much work makes John a dull boy, therefore finds time to play and physical fitness. I always want to see that Youth who believes in prayer, for such faith takes such a youth miles.
Happy youth day to all those youths who have taken up the campaign abstinence ili che. I am talking about those youths who believe that that and have understood that sex before marriage is sin.
Happy Youth day to all those youth who have risen up to the challence of wealth and job creation because youths are not tomorrow's leaders, as youths we are the leaders of day.
Happy Youth day to all those who have chosen to have one girlfriend /boy friend if not married. Happy Youth day to all those married youths but have chosen to be faithful for forever for marriage is a holy matrimony.
Happy Youth day to all those youths who have vowed never to be used as tools of violences by political leaders for politicians come and go but the country must remain unshaken.
Happy Youth day to Youth have chosen to be the mouth piece for the voiceless through spoken word poetry like that of Brave, The PPP which is the Play Plan and Pray of Pelekelo, the written poetry of Chris Mainza, the voice of women by by Luwi and many more public speakers.
I am talking about those youths that have not have had the chance of being in school but are working hard using their God given talents to attain the best through hard work.
Happy Youth day to all those youth who are never content with their papers are are upgrading for the better.
Happy Youth day to my fellow youths have chosen not to be blessed by the blessers hence those becoming the blessie but rather believe that better blessings are from the lord.
Happy Youth day, Happy youth day, Happy Youth day.

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