Mother's Gift Poem by Kesav Venkat Easwaran

Mother's Gift

Rating: 5.0

I behold this starlit summer sky
On this day, the month of May,
Enter, afloat thoughts a few,
Mother's Day, in my mind

Years now, I lost her since
Mother my, so dear,
My eyes stare at the sky above
Where a thousand stars alight!

Amidst the glow and glitter there
One star I find differs
That sends down a cool, loving gaze
That whispers soothing words

The love and care so missing long
Drift on me through the air
I get a gift on Mother's Day!
My mother is right up there!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: love,mother,remembrance
Meggie Gultiano 02 May 2009

Among the glow and glitter there One star I find differs That sends down cool and loving gaze; Feel whispers soothing words I find this very touching and it pulls my heart string. As i can also relate to this, ..sometimes, i look up to the sky, pretending that one of the stars there is my mother looking down at me whispering words that puts me to sleep in peace..Thanks for this sharing

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This is such an inspirational poem Kesav. To know her love reflects right back to you from above. The one star that differs and send you her special love. Beautiful words for a beautifully Mother. Karin Anderson 10/10

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Hiding Nothing 08 May 2009

you were right i did enjoy it.... thankyou.... So beautiful and decriptive it was lovely...

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Merna Ibrahim 08 May 2009

Great poem Kesav, you wrote it from your's so obvious....lovely to read..Merna

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very beautiful.. i just she cried in heaven when you completed this... beautiful

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Anjandev Roy 21 February 2023

Beautiful expression throughout.....thank u, dear poet...

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 15 February 2020

A beautiful and touching poem. A great tribute and remembrance for a wonderful mother. The love and care of our Mother will always be remembered no matter what. The love is well engraved on the tablet of our hearts. Our love for our Mothers, too will always be there, nurtured until the end of time. So beautifully written with superb imagery.

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K V Easwaran 14 May 2018

Thank you all who commented on my poem yesterday. Thanks a lot for your nice words

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Jayan 13 May 2018

Soothing lines from a serene soul.

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Usha Nataran. 13 May 2018

Divasavum Ammavai nenavu varum. Adhum Ungholodu Ammami great. Rombha nanna erukku. Super.

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