My Heart's Treasure Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

My Heart's Treasure

Love swells like the ocean!
But it ebbs like its tide;
With a smile on her lips i do look forward,
Like Romeo and Juliet.
One touch to her hand and,
One word in her ear;
So faithful in love to swing her muse.
Oh my heart's treasure!
You are all that i have;
Like the fair breeze that blows around me today.

Oh my heart's treasure!
Of a river very steep and wide;
Day after day,
Night after night,
Into the silent sea of love.

The fair breeze blew at last!
The white foam of love flew,
Like something sweet from my lover's breasts;
You are my beloved from Pole to Pole,
You are my beloved from North to South,
You are my beloved from East to West,
From the very deep blue sea to play with your muse;
And, like a soft floating witchery of sound.

Of one word in her ear,
Lovely dropping like flowers!
Of the animated nature of sweet love to share,
And, like diamonds which are forever! !

Half closed eyelids,
The frost of the midnight spells our names;
So, save that which was on your side and,
Let me be yours forever.

Of the thin blue flames around,
Inaudible as dreams in a land so sweet;
But, she's my heart honoured maid,
And, like the bubbles that glitter.

To the extreme quietness of her love,
Like a toy of thoughts gone by;
At school she was first but, at love she was last!
And like the sweet muse of the songs of a lovely river.

Of my sweet birth place with unclosed lids,
But, this love is with wild pleasure!
And, with articulated sounds of things to come;
But, my mind is always set at rest.

Sweetly is this love like,
The poor man's only music left around!
In this deep calm of a sweet muse;
And, in this love so sweet! !
Like, the golden exhalations of the dawn.

Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Accra, GHANA
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