Ode To Friendship Poem by Paul Sebastian

Ode To Friendship

A true friend is a unique treasure
Divinely endowed, in good measure-
More precious than gold or pearls-
Valued throughout the passing years
Adding colour to life’s simple joys
Shared blissful-friendship rejoiced

A friend is not self-centred
Not selfish, not self-minded
He minds to prosper his friend
Easily forgiving, ready to mend
A friend never stops believing in you
Stands by the pains you go through
A friend does not look down on you
Even when you board a boat
That’s takes a different route

A friend is someone you can trust
Ready to counsel, yet is firm and just
He is real and has no shades
Gently puts the truth straight
Gently invites you to grow
Encouraging you to become more
Glad when you are your best
Always praying, eager to bless

A friend keeps friendship warm
Sheltering you from life’s storm
Under a thick sincerity-blanket
Protecting you under a safe-net
Torching the path you tread
Be a candle in darkness, you dread

For such a godly friend, would I live
To such a friend, my life, I would give.

Anwesha D.c. 04 January 2018

Such a beatiful poem i love it

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Tanya Gupta 27 April 2014

freindship is only one relation which makes every problem go far..... this is the true anthem for friendship... very well written.

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Valsa George 27 April 2014

You have given a beautiful definition of true friendship.... The friend described here is no doubt a wonderful person..! Fortunate is the one who has a handful of such truly sincere friends, as they are the greatest treasure a man can ever possess.. .For such a godly friend, would I live To such a friend, my life, I would give. ...............................................................Beautiful conclusion to the poem! !

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