One In A Vermillion Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

One In A Vermillion

Rating: 5.0

What are the chances of such an occurrence; a story—?
One of love, or is it?
While I question its level of authenticity or my peculiar hallucinations,
My neck is shining in the dark
The slight twist of it against the moonlight
My hair held loosely above my head
Messy, by both hands and spilling out in curly cues
Through my finger loops
The neck, the spot, the shine—
A more virginal opening.
With those golden fangs ready to penetrate it;
Sink in, firm and hard
With greater intensity than a stab between the legs
—More deadly!
While I question fantasy against its arch-nemesis—reality
He licks those lips, so thirsty
And I am whispering, 'What are the chances? '
While I chant it, sing-songy and obsessive, like a melody one can't forget,
He locates the opening; he takes what is his.

© copyright 2018-2024 One In A VerMillion (Pt.5 of Blood Money)

One In A Vermillion
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love,passion,romance,vampires,darklove,darkness
Anil Kumar Panda 05 April 2020

Rich with love and passion it is a very interesting poem. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks for posting.

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Chinedu Dike 09 February 2020

Well conceived and nicely penned, very deep and passionate verse. Thanks for sharing, Nicole.

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Nicole Settimi 10 February 2020

Thx so much for reading. I am thrilled you enjoyed the intensity. Xx NDS

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Bernard F. Asuncion 09 February 2020

A well composed piece.......10++++

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