Take It Slowly Poem by Clyde King

Take It Slowly

Rating: 4.9

I like graveyards. They're peaceful and quiet.
Here no one fights or argues, curses or kills.

Here all have reaped the wages of sin: death.
Now they lie acquitted in peace and rest.

Their loves and hates, joys and griefs,
Victories and defeats matter no more.

Their memories will fade like a photo,
Getting dimmer and less distinct as their headstones.

Set your heart to this: live each day
As if it were your last on this earth
As if this day was the first day of eternity

Live each day as if you had
A second chance to live your life over again

As if you were about to make
The same mistakes you did before.

Life is an exhalation, a brief moment,
Yet in it we sense eternity.

Take it slowly.

March 2017

Take It Slowly
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life,purpose,reason
Make Shift 31 March 2017

Beautifully written, we have something in common..I like graveyards they have a peacefulness about them.

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Clyde King 10 June 2017

Hi Kaldorei (Edgar Allen Poe would have loved your macabre poems) thanks for reading. I don't look at this site often but I appreciate your words. Graveyards are peaceful places to me too.

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Clyde King 16 September 2018

Thanks again Make Shift.

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Jazib Kamalvi 26 March 2017

Why not? Slow and steady wins the race. Thanks.

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Luo Zhihai 19 January 2021

When people die, everything is gone. This is life.

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Smoky Hoss 06 October 2022

There's a sense of darkness in this wonderful poem (that I all too well understand) , and yet, an incredible sense of eternal light, and therefore hope. Enchanting.

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Lovely lines that are loaded with lessons!

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Chinedu Dike 18 April 2021

Really a profound, insightful philosophical reflection. Very well penned.

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Clyde King 11 February 2021

Thanks again Sj. You got it right.

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Clyde King 11 February 2021

It's a watercolor, and thank you. I call it "Wabi Sabi, " a Japanese phrase for appreciating the old, used, and worn out

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Clyde King

Clyde King

San Antonio, Texas
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