The Meaning Of Enough Poem by Jim Yerman

The Meaning Of Enough

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She was seated on a bench by the creek when on a walk my eyes first spied her…
and though I'm not sure what drew me to her…I sat down beside her.

For a while we sat in silence…me…and this old woman I'd never met before…
until our eyes met and we exchanged a smile…which seemed to open up a door.

We began to talk without pretense, without anxiety or fear…
We talked about the weather…how it was cool for that time of year.

We talked about the trees and the butterflies…how the sun bounces off the creek…
Before I knew it I was meeting that old lady on that same bench once a week.

On the inside she was soft and sweet…while her exterior was rough…
and as we spent those days together…she taught me the meaning of enough.

She said when it comes to love…true love…one touch is enough…
When she is sad…to drive away the sadness…one sunbeam is enough….

To understand the beauty of the night…the light of one star's is enough…
When she looks for beauty in a garden…one flower is enough.

When she's searching for shade in the forest…one tree is enough….
When she spends time with her friends and family…one moment is enough.

When she searches for happiness throughout her day…one smile is enough…
If the only prayer she ever says is thank you…then that one prayer is enough.

"I only have one life." she said, "if I live it right then one life is enough."
"If I should die tomorrow…then I have lived enough."

She's been gone for many years…still sometimes on that bench I find myself talking to her ghost…thinking how our treasured memories are the ones we miss the most.

I always say a prayer of thanks to her for teaching me the meaning of enough…
And I'm sure wherever she is…she's smiling…saying…my one prayer is enough.

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