Cheer-Up Cheerily (A Riddle To Solve)

I saw you in my backyard
My eyes were fixed on your warm sunny breast
Early as you tugged strings from from the moist tanned ground
I saw you in my back yard
Late signing as you retreated to the trees year-round
Did I hear a lilting whistle near the honeysuckle
I saw you in my backyard
My eyes were fixed on your warm sunny breast

Excuse! ! !

Excuse me
for my sin

I am the sin
you are my excuse

So, forgive me
if I hurt you

I can spend my omnium

Lets Do It Today

lets be happy and forget,
lets forget all pain, and mishappining, lets
be happy again, lets open
new door and walk throuh, lets
make new map, and read
lets do it today
lets, smile, what we did in past, lets say
i was wrong
lets say, all happend because of me
and cheerup, and lets do it today


if we die.
when we die?
how we die?
where we die?
come on tellme.

if we die, there is no trouble.
if we die, there is no sadness.
if we will be there, we will die everyday.


moment when all my thoughts end with question mark.?
Moment not knowing how strong and assured my next step would be?
Moment when trying to cheerup every nerve still not knowing what would it be?
Moment trying to believe myself and look forward yet what is that I should look for?
Moment asking myself …what is that I dream to be?
Moment saying why should I be dreaming

Charity & Humanity!

To Stand By Those,
Whom You Know Well,
And Have Affinity,
Is an Obvious Duty;

To Help All Others,
Whom You Not Know,
Is Charity and a Rarity,
Of Humanity's Austerity;