A Longing

O Lord! I have become weary of human assemblages!
When the heart is sad no pleasure in assemblages can be

I seek escape from tumult, my heart desires
The silence which speech may ardently love!

I vehemently desire silence, I strongly long that
A small hut in the mountain's side may there be

Freed from worry I may live in retirement

A Sketch

Born in the garret, in the kitchen bred,
Promoted thence to deck her mistress' head;
Next for some gracious service unexpress'd,
And from its wages only to be guess'd­
Raised from the toilette to the table,­ where
Her wondering betters wait behind her chair.
With eye unmoved, and forehead unabash'd,
She dines from off the plate she lately wash'd.
Quick with the tale, and ready with the lie,
The genial confidante, and general spy,

The Lily Confidante

Lily! lady of the garden!
Let me press my lip to thine!
Love must tell its story, Lily!
Listen thou to mine.

Two I choose to know the secret --
Thee, and yonder wordless flute;
Dragons watch me, tender Lily,
And thou must be mute.

Farewell, My Loved One!

Round me now, beneath the weeping willow,
Night's refreshing breezes blow;
Anguish drove me from a sleepless pillow
Hours and hours ago.
You, and you alone, may know my sorrow--
You, my confidante of yore--
You, my loved one, when I must, tomorrow
Lose forever more!

Farewell, my loved one!

Are You My Friend?

Will you be there when I'm down,
And catch me when I fall?
Will you hold me when I need
To feel the warmth of your touch?

Will you laugh when I laugh,
And cry when I cry?
Will you let me rant and rave,
When I need to let off steam?

Name Of My Confidante.......

I've come
jobless stranger
as an alone wanderer

no darling here is
no confidante here is
no flower here is
no garden of making love here is
I find here

I Have A Friend

He is always standing by me
When i am in trouble
Listens to the cry of my heart
A safe shelter, and like a medicine
That keeps me in good shape and health

I have found a treasure
A gem, a priceless gem
He has a special reservation
Deep inside my heart

What A Fire

What a fire burns on, O confidante,
What a fire it is!
My eyes are filled with tears, O confidante
What a fire burns in my heart!

I went callous crazy, not forsaking the body,
on this moonface fell the shadow of my eclipsed love.
my heart swells up with waves of seven seas
What a fire bums on, what a fire it is!

Wedded Desire

Don't forbid confidante,
since I have welcomed him;
death I have surrendered to him
to take the pains of death.

Secretly I have given my mind away,
secretly, with care,
the heart cries for him,
the wedded desire.

Burden Bearer

Pour your heart out to me
Don't keep it bottled up inside
'Twill fester and will poison you
Until a part of you has died.

We all need a sounding-board
A confidante, a place to vent
To bear your soul's a healthy thing
And it is time well spent.

My Undeniable Love

Day by day
Night by night
I find myself loving you more and more
Every song I sing,
and the emotions it builds
Is a reminder of my love so real

Your beauty and grace
Surpasses what my eyes have ever seen
or my ears ever heard


Dived willfully into Pandora's box
Through mucilaginous theist pox
And mythological non sequitur of
Idioms and home spun truths that
Nowhere clung to fact or proof
To stroke the ego, but repellent
It stood proud and resplendent in
Clitorial sartorial enduring elegance.

The Confidante Loquitur

That gay one who is the abode of virtue
Incessantly murmurs thy name,
On hearing a word of thee
His limbs are pervaded by a thrill,
Bending down lowly his head
Tears pour from his eyes,
If one should ask him a word
He waves (him) away with his hand,
If one should speak concerning thee
Thou wilt see there is nothing else in his mind.


My confidante
did not agree
on my heart

She belied
my loving roses
in flirt

her price is

The Smart Valentines...

On the way back home, they think of them,
They buy something for their valentines,
A cup cake and a cute bucket of ice cream,
Their Valentine like these items the most,

The best companion who follow them
Wherever they go: a confidante to them,
Never ever have gossiped, the deaf listeners,
When they speak, the sincere mimickers,

The Confidante Loquitur (Modern Translation)

Ah lady! ah lady! hear a word,
At length having seen (him) I have come again;
Looking, looking, (my) pain increased,
Whatever was done profited not.
He binds not his hair, he girds not his waist,
He eats not food, he drinks not water.
The colour of gold Šyâm has become,
Constantly remembering thy name.
He does not recognize any one, his eye does not wink,
He remains with fixed look like a doll of wood.

You May Think Me Mad!

A crazy woman
With no other work
Daily sitting in front
Of my assembled PC
I just tap away
Throughout the night
Talking to the screen
No companion I have
Other than my Hard Drive
Who knows the innermost

Travel Singapore Haiku - The Singapore Gallery

Singapore Gallery
where we stand taller
than the island republic

Singapore Gallery
the noise of the city
also - scaled down



White doves and stormy petrels
light upon the living room walls,
in robust compatibility,
teaching odd wedded rituals,
my very close friend.

You take flight in gathering clouds
and perceive not the rings
around the gibbous moon,

! ! ! What Friends Are For? ? ? ! ! !

Winter has made its way
Through my hearth
There are glacial formations
Where once wheat of inseparable toil
Stood tall
Frost-bitten alphabets are shed
like mutant pollens
Adding to the polluted ugliness
Of insinuated infidelity....;