Rain, Isolation, Self-Analysis

'The world is myself; life is myself'. - Wallace Stevens

The gray has delivered a calm emptiness,
over subdued thinkers and lonely movers,
who look through windows and the windowless.
It is like old men relinquishing ornery youth,
relinquishing the spirit of the hipster years,
and within this approaching, full downpour,

Ye Idyll Of Ye Hippopopotamus

With a Methodist hymn in his musical throat,
The Sun was emitting his ultimate note;
His quivering larynx enwrinkled the sea
Like an Ichthyosaurian blowing his tea;
When sweetly and pensively rattled and rang
This plaint which an Hippopopotamus sang:

'O, Camomile, Calabash, Cartilage-pie,
Spread for my spirit a peppermint fry;
Crown me with doughnuts, and drape me with cheese,

....Sonnet Xiii....

She wrote:

i replayed:

Jesus Wept

Fiscal Conservatism
Blatantly destroying
Social consciousness
While piously drawing

Parallels of righteousness
To its Christian views..
As the mantra of Christ
..Is hypocritically abused


I am a coffin,
I am the dark knots of wood
That cover the rotting corpse,
And horrors of death.
I am mascara,
I am the black strands of poisen
That coat and hide tearful eyes,
But no more than needs to be.
I am a curtain,
I am a sheet of cotton


I am not!
I am cynical.
With touches of skepticism,
Sautéed with the best of dysfunctions...
And blessed to have a blend of conservatism,
Spiced to delight my sometimes liberal...
Yet most times nonconformist tastes!
Now take your judgemental ass somewhere else!


Conservatism is the process
That admits not anything first.
Religions are kept alive
Solely on conservatism.

A Bihari Fool Asking His Daughter

A Bihari fool,
Dressed in clumsy white dhoti and kurta,
With a tikki,
A clamp of hair
Hanging from the crown of the head,
A blunt fool indeed,
Never a classical Sanskrit scholar
Questioning and inquiring his innocent daughter,
'Why did you,
Did you smile on seeing a boy? '

Mulk Raj Anand (A Long Poem)

Mulk Raj Anand,
Say you, how to research you,
A novelist Indian
Whose novels read not the Indians,
But the foreigners
As for interpreting caste, class and society,
The ismic India of the ismic people?

While travelling in the trains and buses,
People asked about the caste and class

Mulk Raj Anand (Ii)

Mulk Raj Anand,
Say you, how to research you,
A novelist Indian
Whose novels read not the Indians,
But the foreigners
As for interpreting caste, class and society,
The ismic India of the ismic people?

While travelling in the trains and buses,
People asked about the caste and class

Hypocrites...All….Singing Yesterday's Song

Politics the game…of smoke and mirrors
…..Reverend Wright…..Obama's wrong
Scalise..the pride…of Dukedom's hour
Hypocrites caught-up in yesterday's song

'Conservatism'…simply..a theoretical farce
….'Fiscal'……but…the devious thought
'Unlimited spending on pet projects'...
Is what 'Fiscal Conservatism'..is all about

Ancient Doweer, Modern Heritage

What Wordsworth terms “our ancient Dower, ”
describing heritage of Britain,
has faded like the fresher flower
of the USA. Unwritten
the rules that governed both these places
when people, poor no less than rich,
felt unity to be the basis
of an inherent heritage
which Britons claimed as ancient, and
Americans claimed as brand new

He Do Polite In Different Voices


He do polite in different voices,
as well as those most impolite,
but whether Eliot's or Joyce's,
he's hesitant to start a fight,
believing he can reconcile
opposites which, diametric,
he brings together with a smile


Life starts with meeting
and fusion of sperm and ovum
forming a single celled zygote
in mother's womb.
Lands on earth,
a multicellular individual
like a fresh bloom.
Then life continues
sans your choice,
sometimes flowers,

Nothing Ever Changes

I'm tired of tradition's arcane ways;
That merely keep everyone in their place.
I'm tired of the archaic monarchy.
It is now merely empty pageantry.
I'm sick of a class system that divides.
I'm sick of a privileged elite that lies
Through its teeth. I am bored of the petty
Conservatism of voters. They resist
Any change, so stubbornly, at every
Opportunity. And O how I wish

Bhagjogini (Glow-Worm) , My Daughter, A Countryside Poor Girl-Child Of India

Bhagjogini, my small daughter, where are you,
A countryside goril,
Brorn and brought in the villages
Of far flung hamlets and thorps,
Sleeping early in the evening,
Arising early in the morning
As for bringing water,
Sweeping the floor,
Taking the cattle out,
Throwing cowdung out

Don't Rock The Boat?

Don't rock the boat,
Don't run the risk,
Don't risk your neck,
I was said into the ear, over and over again,
Risk, risk, risk, risk!
Calculated risk, risk management, risk fear, wise risk…..
A fear of change, a fear of upsetting ‘'friends'',
Is life about change? Is life about motion? Mutation? Transformation?
Is life about quietness? Conservatism? Stillness?
Break free, break free, break free,

God Is Neither A Conservative Nor A Liberal

Our God is, 'neither a conservative nor a liberal.' He has followers in both camps! Therefore, God also must have followers within the moderate camps as well! 'Conservatism is not Christianity! ' Therefore neither is Patriotism! Because neither conservatism nor patriotism can take the place of genuine Christianity!

Both sides are guilty of being filled with both resentment and pride towards their opposite sides! God would want both polarized political points of view! Instead to show kindness and compassion towards one another! After all are we not all brothers and all sisters within the body of Christ! We should not let different political points of view to cause divisions among-st all of us!

The Asian Conservatives Will Ruin American Culture, Thought And Tradition

The fanatics and conservatives
With their medieavlaism
And conservatism,
Bigotry and orthodoxy
Will finish
Whatever good it is
In American culture,
Its thought and tradition.

America Should Ban The Entry Of Ismic Religious Minorities

America if it has to sustain
And survive
The onslaught of medievalism and conservatism
In terms of terrorism
Should ban the entry
Of religious minorities
Which are blind to their faith and belief
And are cold to logic and reason
If has to live
As per its charter.