A Servant To Servants

I didn't make you know how glad I was
To have you come and camp here on our land.
I promised myself to get down some day
And see the way you lived, but I don't know!
With a houseful of hungry men to feed
I guess you'd find.... It seems to me
I can't express my feelings any more
Than I can raise my voice or want to lift
My hand (oh, I can lift it when I have to).
Did ever you feel so? I hope you never.

I Want It Now

Gooses, geeses
I want my geese to lay gold eggs for easter
At least a hundred a day
And by the way

I want a feast
I want a bean feast
Cream buns and doughnuts
And fruitcake with no nuts
So good you could go nuts

Autumn Rhythm

That deserted autumn after you died,
I took a walk to the bank
It was warm, but predicting rain
I was becoming wet with perspiration
As my black clothes were soaked with my perfume
Leaving me a chill while I was coming home
But those doughnuts that I bought on the way
Were oh so delicious
I ate them all in one sitting
For my mind craving something sweet

Mr. Brain

Mr Brain was a hermit dwarf who liked to eat shellfish off
the moon. He liked to go into a tree then because there is a
little height to see a little further, which may reveal now the
stone, a pebble--it is a twig, it is nothing under the moon that
you can make sure of.
So Mr Brain opened his mouth to let a moonbeam into his head.

Why to be alone, and you invite the stars to tea. A cup of
tea drinks a luminous guest.

Off The Turnpike

Good ev'nin', Mis' Priest.
I jest stepped in to tell you Good-bye.
Yes, it's all over.
All my things is packed
An' every last one o' them boxes
Is on Bradley's team
Bein' hauled over to th' depot.
No, I ain't goin' back agin.
I'm stoppin' over to French's fer to-night,
And goin' down first train in th' mornin'.

(thank Heaven 4-7-11) Waltz Wave

my car
hot spot
and police
coffee doughnuts

Boomer Johnson

Now Mr. Boomer Johnson was a gettin' old in spots,
But you don't expect a bad man to go wrastlin' pans and pots;
But he'd done his share of killin' and his draw was gettin' slow,
So he quits a-punchin' cattle and he takes to punchin' dough.

Our foreman up and hires him, figurin' age had rode him tame,
But a snake don't get no sweeter just by changin' of its name.
Well, Old Boomer knowed his business - he could cook to make you smile,
But say, he wrangled fodder in a most peculiar style.

No Cabbage

I don't like cabbages,
despise lumpy mattresses
and men that wield control with glee,
or cats that purloin my favourite seat,
I go my own way.
I don't like cabbages
or lettuce or Calamari,
or feeble women who
barf at rats or feeble men,

Ye Idyll Of Ye Hippopopotamus

With a Methodist hymn in his musical throat,
The Sun was emitting his ultimate note;
His quivering larynx enwrinkled the sea
Like an Ichthyosaurian blowing his tea;
When sweetly and pensively rattled and rang
This plaint which an Hippopopotamus sang:

'O, Camomile, Calabash, Cartilage-pie,
Spread for my spirit a peppermint fry;
Crown me with doughnuts, and drape me with cheese,

.4. Sugar Fix

Who put the jam in the doughnut?
Who made the sugar so sweet?
Who sent me down to the bakers?
Who wrapped them up very neat?

What was the reason for buying?
What should I do with all six?
What if I saved three for later?
What of my sugary fix

The Shape Of The Fire


What’s this? A dish for fat lips.
Who says? A nameless stranger.
Is he a bird or a tree? Not everyone can tell.

Water recedes to the crying of spiders.
An old scow bumps over black rocks.
A cracked pod calls.

X..... Pain, Melting In The Scene

Everything seems to go wrong
Everything seems so depressing
It can go on for quite long,
Until we stop to count our blessings

I had fractured my shoulder
the pain was sharp
My mood got quite deep, quite down,
But then just outside my garden...

My Everything Pizza

I ordered an 'everything' pizza
which probably was a mistake.
For it came with a bag full of doughnuts;
it came with a shovel and rake.

It came with a woman named, Ida.
It came with a man from Peru.
It came with a half jar of peanuts.
It came with somebody's left shoe.

The Moon Child And The Angel

impish fairies
bait the child
with handfuls
of red berries

‘Don't eat the berries'
cries her father
‘Don't eat the berries'
begs her mother

Oscoda, Michigan Memories

golden fried doughnuts
ice cream made of new snowfall
backyard starlit woods

moonlight children's tales
still lingering in my mind
Halloween treat bags

adopted kitties
a Christmas tree from the woods

Daddy, Daddy, I Can’t Go To School

daddy, daddy,
I can’t go to school

why darling,
what’s wrong
with you?

I’ve got a runny nose,

' Four Baking Ingredients... '

(a.k.a. Cooking Lessons Using 4 DNA Letters Recipe)

(Genesis 1: 11,21,24,25,26,27
(Genesis 2: 7, 18–24 / Matt.13: 10–15)

Eureka! … Evolutionists Have Discovered!
4 DNA Letters (& maybe even 4 DNA Strands)
And This Information Uncovered

The Preacher Down At Coles

He was not especially handsome, he was not especially smart,
A great big lumbering fellow with a soft and tender heart.
His eyes were gray and honest, his smile a friendly one,
He wore his parson's suit of black on days of state alone;
At other times he went around in clothes the worse of wear,
A blue cloth cap set jauntily upon his thick gray hair.
He cared so little how he looked, so little how he drest,
That he tired the patience sorely of the ones he loved the best.
For a preacher, so they argued, should be dressed like one, of course,

Cops And Doughnuts (Limerick)

Walking the beat was a cop,
Who loved the corner doughnut shop.
But he loved twinkies too,
So his waistline grew and grew,
Till he had to just give it all up.

6/2/11 Alton Texas

Stars In Your Eyes

Oh! It's really amazed me and a surprise too.
My fellow poet friend Max.Reif visited me on the 23 rd of Nov.'07
Early in the morning.(Both of us wished a happy thanksgiving!)
We had coffee and few doughnuts in a small restaurant in Anaheim.
I wanted to tell him that I have seen him before.
Yes my dear friend, I recount my previous births and I am sure that we have met in several occasions in different places.
This good practice goes forever and all of a sudden we met in the U.S.A.
You brought your precious guitar and a tiny mouth-organ