A Silent Cry

A cry sounded in her womb
no one did listen but her mother only
may be due to her helplessness
to save the family and society
from ashamedness or what so ever
be the reason; but resonance of cry
is still alive; shouting and shouting

Mom! save me; I am your first love
I am the fruit of your divine love

! Perceptions

In new world’s oldest corridors
faded yesterdays blackened blockages
Illness and oldage taught virtue or not
wisdom lies on golden shores
retrieves past painted fears
why should one justify
human errors
lament to get the breath back
dance around with flames and ashes
gloom on anguish and anemic aromas


The shades are already visible,
The clouds gathering,
A storm,
Just as my heart,
A thousand voices in my head,
None giving direction,
Sure life is cruel,
But why spill its wrath on me
Its just a month over and so


Tiger in trouble
Poaching infighting
Accident oldage -
No wayout to save.

Tiger- symbol
Heroes and braveries.
Tiger in trouble
Only crocodile tears

What You Mean To Me........

You mean a lot of things
You mean a world of dreams,
You are the soul in me
This is what you mean to me......

You are the beat of heart
You are the part of an art,
You are sight of my eye
This is what makes you my.......

Is Love Virtue?

Is love virtue?
I know not
The truth.
But I say
I love you.

Is love dying?
I know not
What I am saying.
But I love you

Since I Love You

Since I love you
I do not bear ill will,
But you bear ill will
Against me as you
Know not who am I.
I can say about
Your childhood, youth
And oldage but as
You know not anything
You cannot say what it is.

Deluded Not

Deluded not
You the super creature
Go not after matter.

Deluded not
The super creature
Do not grieve over
Transition one to another.

Go not after bodycage

I Am Struggling To Get

I am struggling to get
What I am entitled to.
Some rice, some fruits,
Some clothes and a roof.

Looking at the sky
I am singing and see
My song is dry with
Shortage of clay.

What Is Love?

LOve is affection
when your mum harbours it,
Love is Romance
when your date lusts after it,
Love is duty
when your wife cares for you
Love is a new World
when your child hugs you around
Love is a fashion
when you are in your teens

My Heart

My heart
I pen
as my ink bleeds
when my life seeds
sown in the wild
did not sprout
and borne out weeds
I verse with my blood
in touch with none
when i feel sad and sunken

Childhood To Old-Age


Verdant in the spring
After rising from the dead
Golden in the fall.


2.03 Childhood - Youth - Old Age

The three around the fire sitting,
Gossiping of Life and its doings,
Reached a point thought provoking,
Of their journey and life prevailing. [1]

"Please do not leave me at this time,
Youth, do take me in your prime,
For I an entertainment will but be,
With playful antics in life's journey." [2]

When Old Age Calls

When oldage calls: I must dance the tune of time
When oldage calls: my sight becomes dim as night
When oldage calls: my strength is pale before a flight
I wonder then, why i never prepared a third leg
for this lonely bay of life

Once I felt bliss and youthfulness did trick me
with immortality
Then oldage calls and I feel not a tick
in my tendons to carry

French Teacher

Being in Paris for over
Thirty years, he taught
French to younsters
At sixty five, reminscing
The Eiffel tower, the squares
Of Paris, the promenades
The painters, especially
The beuties, with a smack
Of his old lips, mentioning
Them quite often,

Old Is Gold.

Old is gold, perhaps better
Than gold, gems, diamonds,
The wisdom got cannot be beaten,
Mostly free from sensualties,
Thinking like a child again,
Life is a little pain,
With the settlement of ailments only,
Memories of the past sweet,
Seldom sour, of the times spent,
In facing hardships, overcoming

Step Father

he was a clever one,
Marrying a woman
Of great beauty with achild,
Divorced or thrown out
By another man,
Grew him up and kept
The son away far away,
And when the mother died,
The step father giving
Step fatherly treatment,

The Oldage Home

The quite and silent old age home,
Where live the old and gold.
They have seen the ups and downs of life.
They had their husbands or wife.
They also had their children happy and cheerful.

Now they seem to be a burden,
On those whom they had nurtured and grown.
They remember their halcyon days,
When they would look at their children with a frown.


Our car, among the classics
Our things, became antique
We, turned into relics
And our friends, befit a clique

Our cottage, now the hermitage
Our home, is a relique
Our life, will be a heritage
And when we talk, it's a critique

Alzhemier' S Disease.

He was a vigourous
Executive of rare calibre
Working over forty years,
Winning many rewards
For his service and honest
Duties, making his company,
Climb to unimaginable heights.
Wealth, reputation,
He was slowly overcome
By oldage and forgettfullness