0007 The Transcendent

'The Transcendent'...'The Metaphysical'...'The Higher Truth...'
spooky words used by
spooky people with
spooky minds who belong to
spooky organisations for
those who've nothing better to do?
These days words like this
sure look weird in cold print...

OK let's be cool about this

Aggie The Hag

Aggie the Hag, was a wonderful witch,
Who all the children adored
She fancied herself a sorceress
It kept her from being bored

Aggie practiced for many hours
With her book of magic spells
But in the end, the final result
Was just a lot of bad smells

! Halloween Tale

Remember old Ichabod, last name of Crane
The gangly schoolmaster - some thought him insane
He went to a party on All Hallows' Eve
What happened that night is still hard to believe;
A tale had been told of a spector of dread
A black suited horseman devoid of a head
A legend, they say, of a devilish spirit
Old Ichabod cringed - he did not want to hear it!
The night had grown late, it was time to go home
No one would be safe with the gouls on the roam,

Roots In The Woods

When I was your dream
In piercing sun rays that had
Eaten up shadows
Folding back on the surface of earth
That looked like a silver plate
Reflecting so to the depth of skies
Infinity had given color blue
The lazy clouds in bright white
Nests of birds on some trees
The first ray of spring had touched

Love Letter

Dear love, though I am a hopeless correspondent,
I found your letter habits lacking too
Till I received your card from H.-lulu.
It made me more-than-slightly-less despondent
To see how you transformed your ocean swim
Among dumb bubble-blowers into meters
And daffy rhymes about exotic tweeters
Beyond your balcony at 2 a.m.

I went to bed when you went to Hawaii,

Bri Edwards' 1st August 2021 Showcase Of P-H Poets' Poems..... [ Sharing With You 9 Poems Which I've Enjoyed ]

Bri's 'Showcase-Intro(duction) ' poem:

Human frailty, & Love, & Nature, & my own wished-for 'Funeral-Fun',
AND 'Vietnam War' rem•i•nis•cences (fifty years later) ,
and a bit of satire (perhaps) about masks, ....are
all bundled together in this showcase as ONE
big display of what humans sometimes do write,
to express what they are thinking, be it day or night.

The United States, Banks, The Federal Reserve And Wall Street

It is a tall order to look the history of these institutions and their impact historically and currently on this country. But let's have a go nonetheless.

Let's start with first principles with some basic history and definitions:

First what is a bank and what is the history of banks?

Banks are generally conceded to have come in to existence as early as the 18th century BC. and often operated out of religious sites or temples which had guards, natural and unnatural which, it was thought, made them safer depositories of everything from cattle, to grains to credits. Their function was safekeeping and to avoid moving goods and gold along dangerous routes. Rather a 'credit' was deposited one 'bank' and cashed at another bank.

Poetry Of Muhammad Ali

There are two things
That are hard to hit and see,
That's a spooky ghost
And Muhammad Ali.

My face is so pretty,
You don't see a scar,
Which proves I'm the king
Of the ring so far.

Cloak-And-Dagger! Solo Digger With A Dagger Digs A Dingle In Jungle!

Traveling in the jungle, I met a solo ghost changing his shape
as a narcissist, pillarist, eremite and anchorite - is mordacious;
with forms Crackpot, cloistered monk, closet cynic, he's horrendous!
Solo ghost is an universal host and a black spot of lonely landscape.
Cloak-and-dagger! Solo digger with a dagger digs a dingle in jungle!

Everybody deserted me; I'm friendless with my co brother aloneness;
One moonless day, walked arm in arm in our farm - I and aloneness!
Standing in my dingle - I'm still down here looking for loneliness;

Mohandas Karamchand

“Generations to come will scarcely
believe that such a one as this walked
the earth in flesh and blood.”
—Albert Einstein

Who? Who? Who?
Mahatma. Sorry no.
Truth. Non-violence.
Stop it. Enough taboo.

That Night In 2023

That Night In 2023

it was spooky that night
the weather seemed alright
I wandered lonely as a dweller
among the untrodden ways
the untrodden ways here
are behind those hills near

it was spooky that night

The Haunting Of Halloween

Whoosh! went the candle
Slam! went the door!
Suddenly I had the feeling
I'd been here before!

This house that I'd been
Beckoned to...
Seemed quite familiar now
Yet I seemed oddly
Out of place

008. Egyptian Morning

As many men sweat and groan
with heavy stones on ropes to pull
the pyramid grows and grows
like a small child growing up

The man in charge watches on
whip in his clenched fist
his dark eyes look over the work
his ears alert for rebellion

It's In The Water! (Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning)

When I was young, so very young
I would hear the cry of those moms
Who did stay home to raise their kids
While others ran away to play or strapped for the work they did

‘In whose hands are you leaving your children? '

When in my latter teen years, home
Back from work on a week end night
My own classmates, parte' away

A Spooky Evening

The little dog barked at the moon
While the green ghosts flitted around
The dimly lit spaces in the compound
Everything seemed and looked spooky
Even ordinary people walked about
Clad in strange white long robes
Wearing black masks over their faces
Leaving only their eyes clearly exposed
Had they turned into spirits suddenly
'Is this for real? ' murmured the visitor

Random Walk

East and West, North and South
and the rest nadir and zenith
Earth- dice that roll along a locus
that's predetermined!

What number whither a face
we have been assigned to there?
Nobody knows but the one
that throws this eternal spooky dice!

A Haunted House

I imagine any haunted house to have:
Creaking stairways
Whispering blinds
Creaking doorways
Blood-curdling sounds

Spooky cob-webs
Ominous darkness
Ghastly shadows
Dreadful loneliness

Einstein, Time, Space, Buddha And Poetry-#16 Update 6/24/2010

The most profound thing Einstein said
is that time is taffy, malleable.

And so is space.

If I do it correctly
I can leave earth
and see me coming back again
younger than I am today.

Love With A Knight

Years and months passed by
My teary trails it couldn't dry

My eyes on road still set
Recalling time when hands last met

Moving ahead you didn't turn
My soul since then never returned

Your last words heard there echoes

The Ballad

Amble down the empty dark lane.
Dark was the night oh_ I swain.

Guitar on my back I forte sing.
I can’t deny my.. name is Arjun Singh.

Tearing dark apart came those red eyes.
Spooky.. fiend.. intricate I almost demised.

Blarney I asked who are you! ! !