Above The Poets Station

You’re a poet, as they say
All you write is poetically full of art
Wince when you read your stuff
As from literacy you stand apart

Such great depiction, fiction
wordplay and poet structures
Diction, contradiction, dead
good words and writing such as
Ballads, salads and other kinds

Wordplay With Marshmallows

Some days are meant for marshmallows
Such light and puffy stuff
Time for tossing words about
For phenomenal fun with fluff
Infinite interludes for introspection
Imbue innumerable another day
However a taste for marshmallows
Suddenly insinuated itself today

No harm ensues from marshmallows


Totally presumptuous.

A bit of an earful.


Epigrams 6

These are humorous epigrams: puns, wordplay, quips, zingers, japes, jests, gags, giggles, one-liners, irony, etc.

State of the Art
by Michael R. Burch

A poet may work from sun to sun,
but his editor's work is never done.

Useful Idiots

Useful idiots
All around.
And they failed to
Understand me.

I borrow time
And useful idiots
Help me reversed.

I know not

A Poe-Try Wordplay Before Logging Off

Insight... is only superseded by foresight,
which in truth is an out-of-the-box sight-

of thinking, brainstorming, eyes phased and sideways,
tapping the God-Gift of peripheral pathways,

as opposed to premonition which is poor definition,
of twenty-twenty vision, or false intuition-

from a night time apparition, better known as a Dream,

Double Helix Abecedarian Poetical Pizza Extravaganza

Accomplished verse must whizZ
Zestfully forwards as imagination's fleA
Bites author's itchy fingers. Cells greY
Yearn to coin expressions. Gift of gaB
Crafts timeless phrases which waX
Xanadu with Coleridge nectar, emotive gamut pedantiC,
Devise surprising riddles whose fair floW
Will appeal to all who reaD
Empathetic intellect must reV
Vers libres, prose or traditional versE,

Copper Snake

This tale describes how Israelites all grumbled
at God and Moses in the wilderness.
Although they all by biting snakes were humbled,
God cured them by a magical process
which violated laws that Moses gave
the Israelites. Much later Hezekiah
rejected idols many people crave,
refusing to allow them to expire.

Long journeys made the Israelites most restive.

Visit Of The Queen Of Sheba

As gifts to Solomon the Sheban Queen
brought lavish presents, Cushite gold
and precious stones and incense, clearly keen
to prove that she would not withhold
her treasures from a monarch who had built
his reputation on his wis-
dom, and a temple expiating guilt,
thus offering herself as his,
not sacrifice upon a temple altar,
but partner in his bed.

Early Poems

by Michael R. Burch

These are early poems, most of them written between the ages of 11-18 and some published in my high school literary journal, THE LANTERN. Other poems were written later and several of those were published in my college literary journal, HOMESPUN.

Ironic Vacation
by Michael R. Burch

Ogden Nash

I can say, without a hint of flattery,
That wordplay devoid of nattery,
And disciplined use of rhyme,
Get the verse done every time.

Time For A Love Poem

All poems are love poetry.
Love of language and wordplay;
Love of order and rhyme;
Love of lines and rhythms
(yes, and capitals and punctuation):
Love of insight;
Love of sharing;
Love of caring;
Love of instruction;
Love of day and night;

We Speak Often

we speak often...
of revolution, yet
we almost never speak,
of the old woman left alone,
her husband dead two years...
who sits in the dark,
and sometimes eats,
and cant see to clean her house.
we speak of peace,
and send troops to liberate,

New Runny Babitt (For Tanja)

New Runny Babitt (For Tanja)

While you were writing
serious wordplay,
about Animal Spirit*,
your letters were
on a golden way.

But when you started writing,
from ordinary habit,

Poetry For Children: My Grandpa ©

My Grandpa is incredible,
he's a mountain of a man;
He's kind and wise and sensible,
and does everything I can!

He can kick a football sky-high,
He can score a century;
He is fit and fabulously spry,
to climb a mango tree!

Ph: Humor: One Poem (That's It!)

These words ring in my ears as I dream of a meaning
I'm hungry to post, have another heart taste,
such, that promise of sex might not tempt me at all!
Hark! Sharp uptake of breath from freak's mind at a phrase,
oh, the wordplay's so sweet. There are twists of mind's canyons
that slime the sleepwalker from wheat fields to slopes
of more vertical content, now riddled with pause!

How she hangs on the edge of this precipice leaning
toward whispers of answers that gather, lays waste


A word was born, some years ago,
Perhaps from Mister Marlowe’s pen.
Will Shakespeare stole it for his play.
The groundlings picked it up that way.
It gained currency by the hour-
For such is a poets’ power,
though Marlowe died in a tavern brawl
And all but scholars forget his name,
Words conquer worlds, thoughts persist
far longer than his Tamburlaine.


I like to play tricks with words,
Because they feel so much better than

The tricks I played with you.

Alphabet Artistry

Able acrostic artist’s alignment adds air.
Alliteration asks acknowledgement aware,
Bard’s brain bequeaths benchmark billet, blends braid bans blare,
Beware braggarts’ boasts, banality, betrayal backstair.
Classic composition, clear content, compare
Creative couplets, compliment competent care.
Drawing descriptions deftly displayed debonair
Droll doggerel dubbed dextrous, doubts dismayed. Declare
Entertaining epistle’s extent e’er ensnare

Double Helix Abecedarian - Xylophonic Resonance He Licks Enigmatic

Kindly refer to notes. and see Temptations and Poetic Pizza Extravaganza below :)

Xylophonic Resonance
double helix abecedarian

The first line begins with A and ends with Z
the next line begins with Z and ends with A
The next line begins with B and ends with Y
The next line begins with Y and ends with B