Dare To Live The Dream Poem by Dr Deborah A Bonner

Dare To Live The Dream

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Dare to live the dream, what did you think that life was all fun and games?
Dare to live the Dream

Dare to live the dream, no you cannot and won't give up now, cause the enemy
puts you down.

Dare to live the Dream

Dare to live the dream, that is locked up in your heart that haters have tried to tear apart.
Dare to live the Dream

Dare to live the Dream yes that dream, that vision of success, yes, yes, yes!
Don't let it rest!

Dare to live the Dream; Set your goals high, go on get your degrees, dress each day for the Companies presidential seat!

Dare to live the Dream, Though you want to scream, You will not fall apart, You will succeed, you will be successful, utilize your time and be wise.

So God's people, men, women, boys and girls LISTEN:

When the enemy thinks he has you cornered in the attack, remember the battles aren't yours, but the Lord's you got to recognize, know and believe!

Dare, Dare Yes, Dare to live the Dream!

Numerous time I was told you will never amount anything, because of depression and being oppressed by people that could not and would not help me. Very degrading words were spoken over me during times of trial and error stages of my life. My current Pastor Barbara J. Mitchell along with her husband, the late Superintendent John E. Mitchell, teaching and nurturing with the word of God in love my mother, Mrs. Carol A. Anderson, always having encouraging word of love and faith in me telling me I can make it. My Aunts Hattie M. Collins (R.I.P) and Milburn Frampton, Winnifred Burton and Auntie Lois Williams always sticking by me no matter what, helping when and where they could and other praying saints encouraged me to keep mind on Jesus, stay focus, and that all things are possible to them that believe. Most important no matter what is being said about you, walk in the Liberty where with Christ has made you free and be not entangled with yoke of bondage. With Christ at the helm of your life, he will steer and guide you through the road of success!
Unwritten Soul 14 May 2016

You are a strong person that promote a good message, it makes our ph community become more beautiful.. Thank you for encouraging poem for us stay focus in hope.

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Clarence Prince 14 April 2016

Yes, we must dare to live and dream! I truly agree with you, Deborah!

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Gajanan Mishra 01 April 2014

is life really fun? we are to think.

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