The Willow Weeps Poem by Valerie Dohren

The Willow Weeps

Rating: 4.9

I sat beneath the Willow tree
And cried in sad lament -
The Willow wept because I wept;
Despaired and discontent

I lay upon the clovered grass
Enwrapped in fresh, sweet air -
The Willow wept, oh how she wept
To see me lying there

Her tears dripped down from branch and leaf
Then touched the moistened ground -
The Willow wept, because I wept
As there I sobbed and frowned

My love, my love has gone away
And never to return -
The Willow wept, oh how she wept;
With me, to ever yearn

She touched my face with gentle sway
Of boughs that bended low -
And then she wept, because I wept;
Why did you have to go?

My love, my love has left me now
And I am so alone -
The Willow wept, oh how she wept;
Then watched me turn to stone

And now the clover ‘round me grows
Beneath the azure sky -
The Willow weeps, because I wept;
Forever here to lie

The sun shall burn upon this stone
Yet cold I’ll always stay -
The Willow weeps, oh how she weeps,
For here I lie today

Elena Sandu 10 June 2013

Magic pen transformed in flute playing a touching song, it filled my room's air with a scent of salt. Thank you!

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Kavya . 13 June 2013

wow wat a beautiful poem mam..........the imagination of turning into stone, the emotions in depth of loneliness is very nicely portrayed in ur poem

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Chuck Audette 13 June 2013

Love the personification of the Willow and ending, and the possible metaphor of the stone as death, or from a broken heart that can feel emotions no longer.

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Mary Forrester 13 June 2013

How lovely Valerie, touched my heart.

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Kevin Patrick 13 June 2013

Had to read this two more times because I needed to get it across my puny mind. Well crafted imagery Valerie, it felt like a fairy tale with Brothers Grimm illustrations. I don't see the need to cry with such a magnificent companion this is a touch of beauty, thank you for sharing

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Tyler Cobb 27 January 2024

This is a wonderful poem very descriptive, and wonderfully well written! !

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Lyn Paul 23 March 2015

Simply beautiful. So moving. Thank You

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John Richter 07 January 2015

You have earned a new fan, Valerie.....

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Achill Lad 15 October 2014

Wow! This is a beautiful poem, a work of art. Rhymes and flows effortlessly. A pleasure to read.

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Colleen Courtney 25 June 2014

Another beautifully creative write. I had a Willow tree in my backyard when I was a kid and I remember crying because my parents told me that if us four girls wanted a swimming pool put in then the Willow tree had to the Willow tree went but I'm proud to say I was the only hold out! I just loved lying under that tree so much! Your poem has brought back some cherished memories for me! Thanks for another gorgeous poem!

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