Dr Deborah A Bonner

Dr Deborah A Bonner Poems

To my Loving Mother Mrs. Carol Anderson & Beautiful White Rose
A mother's love no one can compare
And who would even dare
A Mother's love calms all a child's fears

Dare to live the dream, what did you think that life was all fun and games?
Dare to live the Dream

Dare to live the dream, no you cannot and won't give up now, cause the enemy

The Darkness, so final, so desolate and uncertain.
Nowhere to turn or go, like you're in or surrounded by a steal, closed curtain. Some may say they feel so unloved and silent circles all around them like fog, there is no light from down under or above.

In the dark, thoughts of terror fill the air and mental pictures suddenly appear. Has life ended or is it just beginning somewhere? Some may have lives that they live in darkness, the darkness of their mind.

By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner

Sweet is the start of love between two; it is as if nothing else exist in the world so true! The Sun shines and the sky is always so, so blue oh and there is always a twinkle in their eyes that sure is a clue.

No more abuse said the little girl at age ten.
No more abuse she said, praying to God no, not again.
No more abuse she cries, Lord, please take me beyond the sky.
With every painful strike of her abuser's whip,

You are the Beneficiary
You say you can't, but you can!
Because, you are the Beneficiary
You say you don't know, but you do,

I tried to love with the love from above.
I tried to give with my whole heart, although my life was torn apart.
I tried seeing through God's eyes, to always see the need and not the fault.
I tried every day to forgive, so I could live!

I Often Wonder
To all my love ones who have gone to a better place.
I Often Wonder why
Life is not as it should be.

The Creator’s Window
Dedicated to the HUMAN RACE
Creator infinite in mercy and grace
Help me to run this race

We Are the Same
We are the same
We are the same
I must proclaim!

Love is cold, when I am alone.
Love is cold, and deep as a baritone.
Love is cold and crude at times.
Love is cold, and the hurt blinds.

Sometimes I feel like I am in a Glass Bubble, at times I'm safe, but the reality is on the outside. I see destruction sons against fathers, daughters against mothers, sisters against brothers, drugs, children dying, people in high authority lying, deceit and hunger flow throughout the land, but GAMBLING holds the winning hand!

In the GLASS BUBBLE I cry out to the people can't you see the enemy is causing all of this, it started when we flow throughout the land, but GAMBLING holds the winning hand!

Why do they weep and cry for peace?
But, no one gives relief
you just don't understand!
Why do they scream out in hunger and pain?

The not knowing of anything is so frightening & the gift of Knowlegde enlightening.
A thought of being in a cold, dark, timeless state and the place is unbearable, but there is no escape.
Some say there are no voices or echoes to be heard, just endless silence everywhere.
Oh, but it is so sweet & assuring to know that in Christ, this enemy to some, is a friend to those who love, worship, honor, obey and serve the Lord God.

The Very Essence Of My Mind

By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner
Oh mind Interchangeable with my heart


By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner

Life has always had its ends, outs, and ups and downs.

By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner
His words, Her words, their words, our words, children's words, teen words, chat words, P.H.A.T words, good words, unkind words, sad words, critical words, abusive words, war words, sworn words, promised words, hate words, angry words, solemn words, serious words, condemning words, lying words, judging words, declaring words, sublime words, happy words, empty words, thoughtful words, thoughtless words, guilty words, precious words, innocent words, gloomy words, frightening words.

F is for the familiarity that we share, being aware of each other's need, understandingly having insight of the situation and not just talking about it, but showing that we care!
A is for absolutely with no reservations, no limitations, no one has to have any special qualifications, it is just because you're you, your individuality that makes family so unique and true!
M is for family oh how mystically divine our love from the Father grows day by day. It is our heritage to be in constant communion with you oh Lord. Family love never breaks or bends to fake or condescending idle chatter, which sows discords of hatred among us. We are ever learning, building, and pursuing the one and TRUE God whose cross we share!
L is for Limitless and family love has no bounds. Family love is immeasurable and endless. Family love is deeper than as bottomless pit, YES! it has no end. Family love is infinite in power, strength and endurance, having unbounded patience, because God created family love we have everlasting love, which cannot change!

Have you ever thought about, letting it out? Turning everything, situations, relationships, tragedies, desires, secrets not shared. Reaching! Into deep, deep, deep dark places on the inside of our innermost being and speaking from the soul. Reaching for the unique one locked up in the crevices of the heart and mind. Breaking every chain, which locks and confines our daily lives. There are times in life we may feel our lives are in glass bubbles and that we are on the inside looking out at everything happening around us, above and beyond our means.

This is the outlet, the form of painting an exact picture of life as one sees it. Experiences of the mind transforming them into wonders of light. Expressions of knowledge of total freedom from danger and darkness. Always giving a way of escape and coming into God's open gates! The divine harmony of knowing I have somewhere to flee. In poetry you see all that could and should be!

Barbara, the Woman, Mother, Wife, Evangelist, Friend, Prophet, the PASTOR!

An example of elegance is she, so graceful, kind, loving, and concerned always with others and the church on her mind all the time!
Seeing to the needs and keeping the peace. Oh, what a friend she is indeed! The Prophet within her who's obedience to Abba Father is of the uttermost importance.

Dr Deborah A Bonner Biography

Introduction Letting it out! Turning everything, situations, relationships, tragedies, desires, secrets not shared. Reaching! Into deep, deep, deep dark places on the inside of our innermost being and speaking from the soul. Reaching for the unique one locked up in the crevices of the heart and mind. Breaking every chain, which locks and confines our daily lives. Expressing all emotions, devotions, heartbreaks, heartaches into a battle cry of freedom from behind a wall of guilt and shame! Turning every situation in one's life into poetry. That's the harmonious music that synchronizes every note of life's journey and releases treasures from the heart! By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner AA /BS in Psych/MS/D.Min. Autobiography To my readers and fellow authors and writers, please understand that this is just a part of my life and this information has been protected. I was born May 7,1953, to Carol Ann Green and Clyde Elihu Walker. According to my mother, I was a good baby. We lived with my grandparents and I was just five years old, but why I ever had to leave their home was beyond me. My mother met a guy named of Ray Williams and she married him, but little did my mom know that he was the beginning of a living nightmare that would literally haunt our lives forever. I had a lot of battles of physical, mental, sexual and verbal abuse, which has occurred in my life and I give glory and honor to God that I am now a Victor and not a victim! By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner AA /BS in Psych/MS/DM)

The Best Poem Of Dr Deborah A Bonner

A Mother's Love ' Oh How I Love My Mama

To my Loving Mother Mrs. Carol Anderson & Beautiful White Rose
A mother's love no one can compare
And who would even dare
A Mother's love calms all a child's fears
A Mother's love wipes away the faintest tear
And oh how I love my mama
Mama's love reaches me far away on any day
Mama's love made me glad even when I'm sad
Mama's love melts away the hardest heart
A mother's love won't fail when you're apart
Oh how I love my mama and always will
Mama there is not enough words to say
Oh how I wished you were here today
God chose you Mama a beautiful white ROSE
Mama because of your love
I know you were sent from above
Mama your love is in my heart
We will never be apart
Oh How I Love my Mama

Dr Deborah A Bonner Comments

KMama 18 April 2019

To write this comment bout a lady who is worthy of honor. Debbie has been through hurtles of tests, trials and tribulations, some of which she should have not survive if it was not for the Lord who was on her side. Multiple abusive situations physically, verbally, mentally and financially. Great Job Deb

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