No More Abuse Poem by Dr Deborah A Bonner

No More Abuse

No more abuse said the little girl at age ten.
No more abuse she said, praying to God no, not again.
No more abuse she cries, Lord, please take me beyond the sky.
With every painful strike of her abuser's whip,
She images a place, beyond the demon's grip.
No more, abuse as her step-dad rapes her over and over again
No more abuse she cries, 'Will I always have to live this lie?
No more abuse as he shows her the shotgun; in the closet if she tells all her family (mama, sister and brothers) would he kill. She was trying to protect them, don't you see!
No more, abuse she screams, lying on the hospital bed.
No more, abuse as the hospital nurse takes the bell away as she is in so much pain!
No more abuse, doctors and the nurses thought the little girl was sixteen and needed not to scream, because they thought she was being very bad with boys is certainly the reason why she is having a baby.
No more, abuse from age 8,9 and 10 her body was used like an adult, but she was only 12 years old and 11 when she was got pregnant by her stepfather with the baby.
No more abuse God is coming soon, as the Bible said and all her pain and suffering will be put to death.
No more abuse she cried out in pain.
No more abuse as she cried for her mother.
No more abuse she cries as her body gives birth to a son and her stepbrother.

No More Abuse!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: child abuse,safety
At the age of 8 my stepfather started raping me until he got me pregnant at the age of 11. I delivered a baby boy at age 12. After he rape me he would beat me so I would not tell my mom or anyone. He threatened to kill my sister and brothers.Do not let your past hurts dictate your future, you can rise above all obstacles.
Deborah Bonner 24 September 2015

To all who read and understand this poem, I am a VICTOR not a VICTIM, I am a SUCEEDER, not just a BELIEVER! . Some said, I was they believed me to be dead, because they read it, but I am alive and well to tell, women, men, boys and girls you can make it through, you can overcome your fears, tell your story, it will give you freedom, hope, life, it will break every chain that binds you. Some said, I would not make it in life, I'd be in a mental hospital the rest of my life, but here I am in 2001 I received my Associate Degree in Biblical Studies & 2003 Bachelors Science degree in Psychology at Grace University and in 2014 I received a double degree Masters in Community Services and Doctorate Degree in Ministry. I boast not in self, but I testify of a truth that this truth God is no respect of persons he did it for me and he will do it for you. I want to Encourage you be determined, don't give up, don't quit, you are VICTOR not a VCITIM let the flower blossom from inside out. Written from my heart to yours, with love and prayers, Dr. Deborah A. Bonner

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