Dr Deborah A Bonner Poems

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A Mother's Love ' Oh How I Love My Mama

To my Loving Mother Mrs. Carol Anderson & Beautiful White Rose
A mother's love no one can compare
And who would even dare
A Mother's love calms all a child's fears

Dare To Live The Dream

Dare to live the dream, what did you think that life was all fun and games?
Dare to live the Dream

Dare to live the dream, no you cannot and won't give up now, cause the enemy

The Darkness Will Not Win

The Darkness, so final, so desolate and uncertain.
Nowhere to turn or go, like you're in or surrounded by a steal, closed curtain. Some may say they feel so unloved and silent circles all around them like fog, there is no light from down under or above.

In the dark, thoughts of terror fill the air and mental pictures suddenly appear. Has life ended or is it just beginning somewhere? Some may have lives that they live in darkness, the darkness of their mind.


By Dr. Deborah A. Bonner

Sweet is the start of love between two; it is as if nothing else exist in the world so true! The Sun shines and the sky is always so, so blue oh and there is always a twinkle in their eyes that sure is a clue.

No More Abuse

No more abuse said the little girl at age ten.
No more abuse she said, praying to God no, not again.
No more abuse she cries, Lord, please take me beyond the sky.
With every painful strike of her abuser's whip,

You Are The Beneficiary

You are the Beneficiary
You say you can't, but you can!
Because, you are the Beneficiary
You say you don't know, but you do,

Just Try

I tried to love with the love from above.
I tried to give with my whole heart, although my life was torn apart.
I tried seeing through God's eyes, to always see the need and not the fault.
I tried every day to forgive, so I could live!

I Often Wonder

I Often Wonder
To all my love ones who have gone to a better place.
I Often Wonder why
Life is not as it should be.

The Creator's Window

The Creator’s Window
Dedicated to the HUMAN RACE
Creator infinite in mercy and grace
Help me to run this race

We Are The Same

We Are the Same
We are the same
We are the same
I must proclaim!

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