Tears Poem by prasanna kumari


Rating: 4.6

Blurred letters…
Drenched in my tears are my poems
The tears washed away other things too….
The chill of pearl -diving in the summer
My foolishness flourished with passion
The longing for Cupid to slip from the shapeless skies
The deepening shadows of the passing clouds
in the autumnal fields
The spring- woven dreams of the lush green days
The widely awakened winter night thrill
listening to the ever-loving flute
The music of the paddy filed waves
The time when-
any sound was absorbing…
any smell relishing….
any sight sparkling…
That leaves a passion for life

Lost all my tears….
A heroine in those unwritten stories
On a blank sheet- without any balance

Catastrophe King 24 September 2006

This kind of imagery is not commonly found... I particularly loved some of them like.... Blurred letters… Drenched in my tears.... and The longing for Cupid to slip from the shapeless skies ...... ............................The music of the paddy filed waves..... This is a Good Read.....

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Tranquil Ocean 24 September 2006

Foolishness always flourishes with passion....but is that foolishness as we see from our sane eyes or is it passion from our insane eyes? Good read rich with visual imagery Love...TO

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Kee Thampi 25 September 2006

My foolishness flourished with passion The longing for Cupid to slip from the shapeless skies The deepening shadows of the passing clouds in the autumnal fields The spring- woven dreams of the lush green days The widely awakened winter night thrill listening the verse is not like a savanna....it is more than that make a feel on readers

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Scarlett O'Hara 28 September 2006

it made tears flow from my eyes...well done...scarlett

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Sarah Capella Smith 02 October 2006

This is a beautiful poem ~ the language captures so many different types of atmosphere with the mention of all of the seasons so close together. The end, too, in your poem, is striking ~ the reader pauses for a moment and is brought in to believe that the poet may have gained optimism only for their positivity to crash down in a sudden ('without any balance') . Well done ~ great work! =)

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Chinedu Dike 16 November 2019

Well expressed thoughts and feelings. Very heartfelt with strong emotions.

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Madathil Rajendran Nair 01 March 2015

Beautiful is the word for this. Sentimentally sweet.

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tears of sadness tears of happiness....tears we all share tears... your tears are magic

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Tailor Bell 08 October 2006

wonderful dream-like imagery, prasanna, punctuated with rhythmic changes that reinforce your verse. lovely and hypnotic. -Tailor

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 04 October 2006

You dictate the sojourn that you want to take your Reader on, so very well, Prasanna...a journey of many elements & senses....Quite musing, a bit querying, but all so captivating, & that's the meat that bleeds fast & red and brings th' lions back for more....Nice Job, Prasanna'''''''''''''''''''''''''FJR

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