Abhishek Shah Poems

Hit Title Date Added
When My Heart Complains!

Often when I miss you, you say don't!
Always when I ask you, you say you won't.
Alone when you are, do you ever me seek?
Or find me pesky and avoid to speak.

How Proud I Feel!

How should I say, with lyrical words or letter in prose?
How happy I feel, to see you bloom from a bud to a rose.

How can I express, those moments of night?

The Winter Wine

It was a cold winter, December it was,
When all got over and life started with a new cause.

He sat with a glass, full of imagined wine;

We Are The Capital Markets!

We read about the world, be it USA or Greece, China and Brazil!
In these intricate and complex bonds, a pleasure We feel!
Be it the minty news or some economist's view.
They say we are weird, well yes but we are definitely not few!

Before The Fall

My demons within, waiting to prey on me.
Defying all prayers only in efforts, the light, I see.
No option I have, yet in dilemma always!
Though the decision I have made but the heart still sways.

A Moment

A moment of happiness when you smile..
A moment of youth when you are senile..
A moment of liberty from the bounds of this world..
A moment of fear making your hairs curl..


A life that I live for my dreams,
A life that will extend far beyond my realms..
A life to live without anything to fear,
A life to fulfill the wishes of my dear...

I Feel Alive! !

When beneath the starry kies, under the ocean of clouds so high,
i spread my arms and embrace the sky..
I feel alive..

Happy Birthday

To wish you happy birthday, here is a poem for you,
I'll always be there no matter whatever u do..

A gift for your birthday - Our friendship Our Bond,
There is none in this world of whom am so fond..

Freedom Shall Be Mine

I shall be free when I will try to be free..

I shall be free when I stop paying extra 1000rs to the TC to secure a seat in train..

I shall be free when I stop paying 50rs to traffic police to skip the fine for not wearing an helmet..

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