Ace Of Black Hearts Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dead Mans Fate

When the prophet dies, does the future he predicted die with him?
Or live on through our finger and tongues.
A choice made, how do we do we really know if it was mistake with no guidance.
A leaderless fortune.

Plains Walker

Drifting off into the plains of the forgotten.
The ghost of never mind.
Doing in, and a return in kind.
A stench so rotten.

Let The Bleeding Heart Be Destroyed

Do you hear me yet.
Such a simpleton.
Such a quaint ugly little man.
Dropping names out of the darkness.

Mad Twins

Chaos spins.
The twirl becomes these mad twins.
Both full of hate.
Both full of rage.


I keep telling you I'm not a parasite.
Why won't you listen?
Is it not a reasonable exhibition?
In a moment, in flash before your very own eyes.


A simple poison will never do.
In this world in we are here to destroy.
Each and every dying moment.
It is the only way and case in which we survive.

Reaching A Mutual Agreement

A mismanagement of that which should be insight.
A demand in hindsight.
Opportunities are both given and taken.
Without regret, without remorse.

Meeting The Horizon

There is the sinner and the saint.
Oh the battle between the angels and insects.
The grey matter is all that left.
Absurdities of all kinds.

(political Poem) A Political Sensation

Just grab a gun.
Oh it's all in fun

Just grab a gun.

Empty Suitcase

The damage has already been done.
What else can you do?
An instrument in the head.
Go ahead and drill straight through.

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