Adeosun Olamide Poems

Hit Title Date Added
In Townsville

In Townsville' up city, up hill
Dwell a lonely shed in gut mist
Its egress ajar to breeze and storm
In shed up the city, up hill

To Beloved In Hell

Forgive- Maria
And know of darling shivers
Forgive- Maria
And know truly I failed

Salz Dream

Ma told
Let blind say him see
And poor he rich says
Let sick say him strong

Mamas Counsel

So I saw the Koya's
And the Kennedy's too
Heard their men talk in here
-How they tire their wives

Song Of Breeze

Don't you like waves on the sea
-to in sweetness it be swallowed?

Don't you like blaze of fire

The Recognition

She is scared
Of not knowing tomorrow
-That she may alone be
With all avoiding path hers

From The Sanatorium

Forgive Hannah, death beloved daughter
Pardon- that I couldn't save her
Take solace for love had part in demise

Two Words Or More

Two words or more
She starved baby
Two words or more
She claim tired

Whispers From The Waif

In Nigeria
-Bombs are strapped on kids,
The kids are driven to schools,
To markets and dropped off-

Lady Mia Whisperings

There is a noisy silence enchanted within
That makes shiver heart mine
One- darkness won't set free
It's the ticking of a clock

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