alanesha pugh

alanesha pugh Poems

Babies babies
Babies is here to there
Babies sometimes cry for no reason


A girl stuck in a world all alone
Where there is no where that she can call home
She sits on a cold hard floor
Wish’n to beg for more

Nene oh Nene how pretty you are
You light up the world
Like a bright little star
You make everyone smile


Love isnt hatred
Love is sweet
Love is the one that you want to meet
Love can be found from here to there

Roses are red
violets are blue
love isn't hate
that is NOT you

Being a kid is great, so lets cheer
laughing and playing i can still see and hear
fighting and bullying is a shame
while crying and sadness is not a game

you are my life
you are my soul
and i will never let you go
you always be there when i need you

The Best Poem Of alanesha pugh


Babies babies
Babies is here to there
Babies sometimes cry for no reason
Babies come almost in every season
babies are sweet and cute
some babies love eating fruit
babies need to be loved and cared
babies are like little bears
but when the moon is down and the clock strikes 9
sweet dreams to all and all goodnight

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