Albert Price Poems

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Time Reversed

Time in its flight travels by so fast,
The future seems lost in the past.
I wish that I could reverse the clock
To find that lost future now defrocked.

New Jerusalem

All things will be made new.
The past things are in the past.
Death and crying and pain are thru,
Decreed by GOD like a trumpet blast.

Virgin Highway

A train runs Cape Town to Cairo.
It will be through here by and by.
The route is straight as an arrow,
It's like riding clouds through the sky.


Over the winding road of human life,
Few are the challenges and tests
To equal the aging process' strife,
That confine folks to timeless duress.

My Eyes Yearn For Beauty

The beauty born from lovely melodies fill my visions.
Nature's image transformed into a glorious tone,
Is found all over, extending earthly nature's regions.
Even the sun appearing as a bright flower in the morn

O Thank The Lord

O give thanks unto the Lord of lords.
O give thanks unto the God of gods.
For He alone does great wonders.
In the clouds His divine truth thunders.

Park Samaritan

Resting in the park one day,
I saw a cuddly little mutt.
He looked like he came a long way
And was suffering for an empty gut.

What Is Elijah Doing Here?

Here Elijah is reclining on his bed,

Waiting for the Divine to pass,

Corn-Fields Of Endor

Standing on a hill of Jezreel,
Watching growing corn in the field,
Listens she does to the birds’ song
And to the trilling crickets’ chirp.

God's Moon Pie

If God would take the moon

And make it into a great pie,

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