Aldo Kraas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Inside Of The Bottle

Inside of the botltle
There is a sky that is blue without the clouds
Inside of the bottle
There is a lake that is very calm

I Don'T Take Freedom For Granted

I don't take freedom for granted
Because I know about all the sacrifices that the soldiers had to do
While fighting in the war
So that I can have freedom

A Very Special Love

Father Xmas Song

Father xmas
Will be working all night today
So that he can deliver all the christmas presents on time
To the children and their families

Spirit Crushed

My spirit was crushed with the cold weather today
And it took me by surprise when it happened
Because I never expected it to happened
But the strange thing was that blood was coming out from all over my body

Take Away Song

Season Of Hate

You are leaving now in the season of hate
Because now it is the season of hate
And how many times have you heard from people that they hate you?
How does that world feels to you when you hear it?

My Heart Is Home To The Birds

My heart is home to the birds
Because God made my heart for the birds
And I am happy that the birds live inside of my heart
Because my heart is always warm and the birds will never die inside my Heart or they will never have to fly south to the winter

Now And Forever Song

Now and foreverer I will love God
Now and forever I will always be a christian
Now and forever I will always be God's poet
Now and forever I will speak

To Paradise

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