Aldo Kraas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Whatever It Is That I Need

Whatever It is that I need
I can find in God's house


I turn away resentfully and I take the blame for my vulgarity
But last December I wasn't even myself
Because I was out of touch with the reality of life
And depression sunk me very deep just like the Titanic did in the sea

Uncharted Water

have the feeling that what they call the unsinkable boat will sink this time On the Atlantic sea
But I am sorry darling we will no longer go on that journey together
We will go on a different journey by plane and not by boat
Because the boat doesn't sound safe to us anymore because it travells Through unchated waters

Where Are We Running?

Where are we running?
Are we running away from the homeless people of the street?
Where are we running?
Are we running away from the rain

I Left My Heart In Dhaka

The Healing Touch

Give me the healing touch
That you have in your hands

Where Are You Now My God?

Where are you now my God?
Are you nearby that I can see you?
Or are you far away?

You Said

You said that my love was not strong enough
While I was in the bathtub having a bath
The moon was shining through the bathroon window

The Butterflies

The butterflies
That had flown
All the way from the sky
Had landed in my hands


Believe in me because I am honest
Believe in me because In my poems are messages of hope
For everyone to read
Believe in me Brcause I believe in God

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