Aldo Kraas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Tiger's Blood

Man is like a tiger that is ready to attack
And he attacks when he is mad
Because he is full of rage and anger inside of him
But inside of him he has the tiger's blood

Longing For Our Ideal World

We are longing for our ideal world
That should be without violince
And that people learn to respect each other
By living together with each other by not judging one another

Talking About Poems With Jesus

I am talkimg about poems with Jesus
But Jesus never heard of poems in his life
And that is what came out of the comversayion that I had with me
But my dear Jesus poetry is a feling that comes out from the hear expressed And written in a piece of paper Yes Jesus that is what poetry is?

White Sky

The white sky is in my dream
And it is so ugly to look at because he doesn't have any life to it
But white is also a boring color for the sky
Also I must admit that te snow is white and white is fine for the snow but Not for the sky

Running Away From Problems

Running away from problems she is
While she is driving
Her sports car
In the highway

Enchanted House

Enchanted house
Is what I call home
And inside that

I Am Being Fair

I am being fair
My friend
I know that
You don't see that way

Let The Sunshine Inside Of You Shine Out

Let the sunshine
Inside of you
Shine out
To earth

Sad To Be Without You

Sad to be without you
Sad to laugh withot you
Sad to live without you
Because I feel that

It Is Time To Rise

It is time to rise
And start a new day
Good morning sunshine
Good morning sunshine

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