Aleksandra Szymanska Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Bow To A Honey Bee...

There's golden dust in the cosmic space
which explores the universe's expanses.
It knows ancient mysteries, the real face of time,
each speck of it so freely dances.


I skip under the dark red tree, wondering how long I've done it for,
how many skipping ropes I've used, what's been lost and what's been torn…
I skip every condescending look, lies spilled all over me, every sneer;
I skip my angry thoughts and sadness; I skip cold envy, creeping fear…

A Handshake In Rain...

Am I still your friend when so desperate I seek
the unwanted news I never seem to get,
guessing, wondering, trying hard to avoid
assumptions that weave misfortune's thread?

The Spots On The Sun...

Oh Sun, mother of our Earth which you hold dearly in the everlasting spin,
tell us, mere mortals, what secrets you know, tell us our story and how it begins…
Your beauty no one could ever deny - the pale dawn, golden noon, multihued dusk
are the canvas of our prayers, dreams, and faults, hard work and questions we often ask...

To The Entourage Of The Lazy, Cunning And Greedy...

You've got no right to claim you are me,
to say you've written all these words...
I won't give in and just let it be,
my thoughts will flow like sharpest swords...


What is popularity on a poetry website?
Don't ask, I don't know the word's meaning any more...
You may get there if you try with all your might.
Let me stay on a side as you reach your goal...

Talk To My Bottom...

This is voice -to- bottom technology,
somebody owes me apology...
In the lavatory I let something out
and it spoke, so it sounded very loud...


Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself:
I am almost forty; I am on the shelf...
It is not that I've never wished to marry anyone,
but too many people say I should have no fun...

The Way We Laugh At Each Other...

Your arms, like my thighs, portray tree trunks:
attributes of Roman infantry do apply...
Are we women, or are we ancient hunks?
What would you say if your bottom looked like mine?

Medieval Resent...

Electronic twitting wrenches my heart -
I dream in despair of days filled with life.
Birds, trees, and wind are no longer one,
wired spine of nature fills like helpless strife...

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