Alex Ramos

Alex Ramos Poems

It hurts when I’m not invited,
It hurts to find out of a planned event the day after it happened,
It hurts when I stay at home while all my friends are out,
It hurts to find that I’m not liked,

When you look at me,
What do you see?
An innocent child,
Who barely speaks,

What's become of me?
I'm hurting the ones I love
I tell them they're horrible
And yet I feel nothing

May 25,
The day strikes fear in my heart,
The loss of a loved one,
A friend,

You dropped me off for the first day of school,
You cried a little and I looked like a fool,
You watched me play, play all day,
As you sat there, you would say,

People Talk
they say, are you ok?
I smile, ya i'm fine
If they only knew

Its been 3 years
Im surprised I made it this long
I thought all life would cease to exist
I miss you so much and cant get you off my mind

The Best Poem Of Alex Ramos

It Hurts

It hurts when I’m not invited,
It hurts to find out of a planned event the day after it happened,
It hurts when I stay at home while all my friends are out,
It hurts to find that I’m not liked,
It hurts to say I wish I were gone,
It hurts to smile when I want to cry,
I wish I were included,
I wish my friends wanted me,
I wish they understood,
I’d like to be included with all my so called friends,
But all I can do is hope that someday they’ll think of me
Someday they’ll take the time to give me a call,
Someday they’ll want me there
Just hopefully that someday will come,
Come before I am gone,
Come before I’ve left all this behind,
Come before I say,

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