Alexander Anderson Poems

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The Landlord's Best

A strappin', sonsie, weel-matched pair
Were Jock Macree an' Maggie Blair,
An' mony wusses, said an' thinkit,
They had that nicht when they were linkit.

Cuddle Doon

The bairnies cuddle doon at nicht,
Wi' muckle faucht an' din—
'O, try and sleep, ye waukrife rogues,
Your faither's comin' in'—

The Dead Mother

The feeble infant, but an hour in life,
Lay wailing in our arms, while on the bed
Slept, like a faded flower, the one year's wife,
With all her mother's first sweet feelings, dead.

One Red Nose

One red rose you took from my hand—
O the light was sweet that summer day—
One red rose from her queenly band,
That was far too sweet to pine away.

The Night Is Calm

The night is calm, and sweet, and still—
Such nights should ever be—
When the young and good of this earth of ours
Droop in our hands like wither'd flow'rs,
To bloom in eternity.


I heard beneath my feet the clear sharp ring
Of grinding rail and wheel,
I felt, as on we sped with rush and swing,
The carriage sway and reel.

The Old Ruins

Ah, the stream by the ruin in the wood
Has long ago run dry,
And the only voice in the solitude
Is the wind that rushes by.

The Preacher

The spirit of God fell on him, and he pass'd
From out the common bounds wherein we move,
And like a mantle round his life he cast
The grandeur of his mission from above.

The First Primrose

I stood within a wood, and heard the wind
Keep up its music in the solemn trees,
But this could soothe me not, for in my mind
My thoughts were ill at ease;

A Village Scene- Evening

The merry children are playing
In the little village street;
The old men sit by the doorway:
Their evening rest is sweet.

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