Alexandre Nodopaka Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Medical Synopsis Or Advance Notice

Thursday, May 28 2009 10: 30 AM
Office Visit with SHERRI, MD
(What a cute gal… AND married!)

A Nose For Priceless Finds

I was wondering if
there ever was
another artist that lost their ear
to art

A Collage For Max Ernst

I'm glad you decided to paste art
The way you did but do not plan
To tell me how to do mine
Since I can't live through yours

A Painterly Opinion

Let it be known
that in the eyes
of certain gods
everything you do

A Miniature Portrait

The mind's eye
paints on wasli paper

No longer blank,

A Good Bye

I call to inform you
that I left
for another woman.

3 Senru/Haiku

In upper corner
a cobweb
with no dead flies

A Canto: Rama To Sita

If you are to be Sita and I Rama
Stop anything related to turking
Because continuing on a dark path

A Bear In Her Tank

Butterfly kisses and teddy bear hugs
give life to a love deep and strong.
Chubby hands and arms to hold on tight

A Lightweight Ode To Ars

Fernand Leger watching me
Bloats my limbs
But when Salvador Dali comes

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