Alfred Austin Poems

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Hymn To Death

What is it haunts the summer air?
A sense of something lately passed away;
Something pleasant, something fair,

If I To You But Sorry Bring

If I to you but sorrow bring,
But aching hours and brackish tears,
And that poor drooping Hope whose wing

If They Dare!

Realm of ocean-guarded Peace,
Humming loom and grazing steer,
Farm, and forge, and woven fleece,
Happier, homelier, year by year,

A Tusculan Question

One day as on an ass I rode,
By many a twisting gully,
To where once stood the famed abode
Of philosophic Tully,

A Souless Singer

Hail! throstle, by thy ringing voice descried,
Not by the wanderings of the tuneless wing!
Now once again where forkëd boughs divide,

I Chide Not At The Seasons

I chide not at the seasons, for if Spring
With backward look refuses to be fair,
My Love still more than April makes me sing,

Though All The World

Though all the world should stand aside,
And leave you to your sorrow,
And you from none, or near, or wide,
A smile or tear could borrow;

Love’s Unity

How can I tell thee when I love thee best?
In rapture or repose? how shall I say?
I only know I love thee every way,


The gloss is fading from your hair,
The glamour from your brow;
The light your eyes were wont to wear
Attracts no gazer now.

Before, Behind, And Beyond

O the sunny days before us, before us, before us,
When all was bright
From holt to height,
And the heavens were shining o'er us;

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