Alok Singhal Poems

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In The Loneliness Of Heart

In the loneliness of heart, I see the crowd of memories
People passing by or rather bypassing me,
Somehow I could not connect or communicate,
Not that I had nothing to say or offer,

Pick Up The Pieces....

Pick up...
One by one..
Pieces of my broken heart
Use the petals of a flower

O Lord..How Ungrateful Of Me! !

You give me wisdom and I don't use it
You give me freedom and I abuse it
You give me choices and I still get them wrong
You give me voices and I can not still sing a song

Just A Momentous Pause..

Just a momentous pause before my next leap...
Just some more time to get the divine sleep
I must stay strong to not let this chance gone
Just some more dark clouds for the sun to shine as it shone

Why I Never Said I Loved You

I never said I loved you
Coz it was so implied
And if I say I don't
It will be a lie

The Lonely Road To No Where...

About time to decide and follow a path….yet alone
Someone to walk with is long gone…
It’s always a long and lonely road to no where
Because everyone wants to reach some where

The Road To Eternity...

The road that started from nowhere led me to an unknown sphere
The windings and turns gave me a reflection of unknown hues
My seemingly so colorless life showed psychedelic views
I was overwhelmed with feelings so hard to bear

To All You Mortal Beings

Let my ignorance speak of the wisdom you know not,
Let my naïve not make you think you are too wise,
For all you know ignorance and naivety is nothing but a disguise,
A garb to stay sane in your insane world,

Will Get Odds To My Favor

How I hate to see those dark clouds…..looming and obstructing the horizon,
Ruining all those efforts, hours of toil,
So true they say what comes must go back to the soil…
But a man's valor is his persistence, what he creates won't let anyone to spoil.

And We Though He Is The Poorest Of Us All..

In withered clothes and shambled looks
How graceful does he look?
No qualms no fears of today or tomorrow
He is so poor that he doesn't even have any sorrow

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