Andy Caldwell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Demon's Apprentice

he is just a shadow
in darkness and full of rage
all he knows is how to hate
his victims who live center stage

My Poetry Is Conserved

the world acknowledges me
accepts and honors my poetry
capturing every word and all my feelings
spread to the universe with each reading


I can't see an upside
to my friend Tim's death
was it an act of God
or a random event

A Poem About Today 8/13/15

I don't know my story's end
and I don't know where and how to begin
my life goes on and on and on
boring at times and painful always

Life's Storms

waves crash around me
as I float in stormy seas
no light surrounds me
in this darkness I cannot see

Carnival Of Rust 2

turn around to see behind you
a carnival of rust
when all you thought important
slowly became dust

When Asked To Speak About Parkinson's

I have no words
all were spoken
and you ask of me
to speak publicly

When Asked To Speak About Parkinnson's Two

my eyelids close
almost involuntarily
I resist but they insist
as the pressure grows

Cast No Shadow

I serve no purpose
nothing to aspire to
people talk around me
as I speak too quietly


everyone believes their paradigm of truth
is fundamental and is absolute
most think others should believe as they do
still there are many paths to Heaven

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