Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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River, A Maid Of Poetry

She, born of height, cradled by lofty crest,
Mothered by mounts, and reared by little brooks,
Dancing down sprightly, a stream still modest,
Oft hiding hind hillocks, crannies and nooks,

A Whisper Sounds Like Scream

Oh today's un-tethered men and women
That listen to way less than a one-half,
Absorbing half of that— (all bull and calf!) ,
Reacting still as many times as twice—

Man Since Cave

It's too cool here and for long,
Let's warm it up a wee bit.
And too dull for my liking,
Someone said adding to that,

In Cave Once Again

Seems, man has come far from caves,
God particle has been found,
And comes now gravity waves,
Mastered he has most of waves—

Roof Of My Patience Leaks

For which season can I in hope now wait?
When even rains find no room in his mind,
Though memories flood river-like in spate,
On what can I sustain, what support find?

The Seed Of Life

Clouds thunder, roar aloud when I arrive,
Life all around on earth hails me full heart,
And rainbows paint when I set to depart.
It's not me alone still that earth's alive,

When Tamas Triumphed

Triumphant, tamas on a pedestal,
Pathetic looked the face of a candle,
And what happened, bit odd,
Truth pushed to hide in pod,

A Bubble Wonders

A bubble often wonders:
What ado, and for nothing,
We all know, life is fleeting,
Yet, who seriously ponders?

Life's No Touch Screen

Half closed eyes and unheeded plea,
Safe on the banks and seeking ease,
Looking at things seldom to see,
Man hopes to enjoy still high seas;

Whatso Nature Has Made

If a full moon looks stunningly handsome,
So be the new, if only in mind's sphere,
So be the crescent, all phases that come,
All Nature's made has a beauty so rare.

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