Ankit Kevin Hemrom

Ankit Kevin Hemrom Poems

she was like a bullet
whom i wanted to save my whole life
but her mom was like a knife
who never wanted that we should ever together

The last few months
Of pain and agony in her love
She was my everything
My life, my soul, my heart&my destiny

On the place named heaven on earth,
Lays the gate.
Beautified with the essence flowers,
And enhancing florid beauty it had.

Slowly and swiftly, life sets to tear me apart,
Yet I stand ready to fight, with a warrior's heart.
At what cost, I wonder, will this battle be fought?
And what will be the prize, when victory is sought?

The Best Poem Of Ankit Kevin Hemrom

The Bullet

she was like a bullet
whom i wanted to save my whole life
but her mom was like a knife
who never wanted that we should ever together
shape our lives
so, I shot the bullet and moved on as for me many will be coming on
my heart was pierced when her mom told me 'i'll
kill you'
her heart was pierced when i told her ' i'm no
more with you'
many knew and many didn't knew but i will always remember her in my heart
as no one ever knew

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