Anonymous British Poems

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Welling Kattaney (The Gypsy Love-Tryst)

Welling Kattaney

Coin si deya, coin se dado?
Pukker mande drey Romanes,


Pawnie birks
My men-engni shall be;
Yackors my dudes
Like ruppeney shine:

The Cherry Tree Carol

Joseph was an old man,
and an old man was he,
When he wedded Mary,
in the land of Galilee.

The False Knight Upon The Road

'O whare are ye gaun?'
Quo the fause knicht upon the road:
'I'm gaun to the scule.'
Quo the wee boy, and still he stude.

The Great Silkie Of Sule Skerrie

An eartly nourris sits and sing,
And aye she sings, 'Ba, lily wean!
Little ken I my bairnis father,
Far less the land that he staps in.'

Hind Horn

IN Scotland there was a babie born,
And his name it was called young Hind Horn.

The Bonny Earl Of Murray

Ye Highlands, and ye Lawlands,
Oh where have you been?
They have slain the Earl of Murray,
And they layd him on the green.

Clark Sanders

Whan bells war rung, an mass was sung,
A wat a' man to bed were gone,
Clark Sanders came to Margret's window,
With mony a sad sigh and groan.

Down In Yon Forest

Down in yon forest there stands a hall:
The bells of Paradise I heard them ring:
It's covered all over with purple and pall
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.

Barbara Allen

In Scarlet town, where I was born,
There was a fair maid dwellin',
Made every youth cry Well-a-day!
Her name was Barbara Allen.

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