Anthony Daniels Poems

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Broken Glass

Scattered about all over the place, what was once whole now broken apart.
What did I do to deserve such a fate?
I have seen everything through the time spent in this very spot, the good, bad and the damn ugly.
You both were wrong with what you did but neither of you was mature enough to admit it.

We Are The Gifted

We are the ones born with the power and abilities to create something truly spectacular at any given moment.
We are the blessed with potential to be great with our various talents.
We are the singers who are the harmony you all love to hear.

Slave To Dance

I find it so hard to remain in control of myself once that spotlight shines upon my face.
I lose control of my very sight, blind under your commanding tone.
I sway left and right building up the momentum from within as the sound of the beat hits me.
The energy tank almost full my energy will be spent.

Take The Lead

I will no longer disregard your lack of respect for me as a human being.
No more waiting in the sidelines for me, no more waiting for my moment to outshine all of you. That chapter of my life has come to an end.
The next chapter and many more to follow will be mine to write, no more will you dictate what will be written in my life's story.
I am constructing a grand structure from within that will immortalize me for generations to come.

Love It When The Snow Falls

I can never quite figure you out.
The Way that you fall so gracefully from the sky.
You are no angel but you fall from the heavens just like one.
People just love it when you touch their tongues and melt ever so quickly, layers upon layers covering the ground with your white powder.

Heart Shaped Love Safe

Walking for miles upon miles through the mountains looking for the grandest of treasures.
Locked away deep within the heart of the largest mountain protected by guardian angels wielding diamond spears and swords.
Protecting a heart shaped love safe from all who would attempt to break it and ruin the treasures that lie inside.
Despite what lies ahead on your journey you continue on in search of it, wandering aimlessly for months until you reach the destination at last.

Sexual Thoughts

I'm over here scheming, thinking of the perfect way to lay you out across the bed of roses.
These thoughts driving around on the sexual highway in my mind at one thousand miles per hour with no brakes to slow them down.

Extracurricular Sextivity

The red hot sun is beating down on me on this hot summer day.
I am strolling along towards the basketball court as usual when I catch an eyeful of pure lust.

There are two athletically built men on the court shirtless playing ball.

Putting On A Show

Staring out overlooking all of the city in the moonlight the beauty of it all takes me away.

Sipping on my champaign awaiting for you to come through that doorway to join my side.

Everlasting Dance

The moonlight shines down upon us like a spotlight burning brightly.

Its just me and you out here surrounded by nature the fireflies dancing around us blissfully.

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